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  1. A

    Sponsorship breakdown: Need advice from Mr. Leon

    I know for sure that their PR is now expired and they should not be able to renew it for another two years. Does that change anything? Thank you.
  2. A

    Sponsorship breakdown: Need advice from Mr. Leon

    Please do not be so judgmental without knowing the whole truth. You obviously misunderstood and I agree that I am at fault as I did not include enough information. The situation is quite the contrary. I have already reported this incident to CBSA (residency obligation requirement) and to the...
  3. A

    Sponsorship breakdown: Need advice from Mr. Leon

    Hello, My sponsored relatives ( :-[) entered Canada without my knowledge after a long absence of 4 years 10 months. They entered just before their PR was about to expire and applied/receiving welfare payment (again without my knowledge). Now I have received letters from CIC and province to...