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  1. S

    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    Thank you wowsers for your reply. You pointed out two issues I hadn't realized regarding my husband's pension etc. And I need to factor this information into the mix. Again, thank you. My husband is a stubborn and single-minded man and he is determined to come to Canada. I asked him to wait...
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    Inland sponsorship approved, PR Denied

    My husband had his medical last week in London. He was given no document, only his receipt for payment. We had been told that this receipt stands as proof of medical taken. This receipt goes into our application packet as proof of medical exam. His exam results will get to CIC before our...
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    spousal sponsorship submissions out of order maybe?

    Thank you very much, Betina. That does put my mind at ease.
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    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    I'm not concerned about the medical aspect of things. If we have a problem, it will be financial. My income is minimal, my bank account also. He will probably have to file for bankruptcy before he leaves as we will by no means be able to deal with his debt load. I will acknowledge that we...
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    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    to frege: That's why I don't worry too much that Canada will doubt that ours is a genuine marriage. We had to go to court to prove it in the UK and we will be sending the same proof as well as the judge's 9-page decision letter which was primarily dealing with her conviction that we are...
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    spousal sponsorship submissions out of order maybe?

    Thank you both. That puts my mind at ease. We will enclose the medical receipt with application package. I was afraid we might have a hurdle to jump and we're getting tired from all the jumping!! ;)
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    spousal sponsorship submissions out of order maybe?

    Hello, I am sponsoring my husband...Outland....from the UK. He has had his medical done. It apparently is sent directly to Mississauga by the doctor. I have hit a little snag here, waiting for a figure to submit on my application . So the doctor's report will almost certainly get to...
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    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    Thank you wowsers. I think I read similar in another thread. In that case too, a letter of explanation was presented and accepted. There hasn't been a tax assessment for me in Canada since 2008 because I haven't done a tax return since that time. I won't be able to produce a UK tax assessment...
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    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    Thank you, Sweden. That's actually the way I've been doing it but I wasn't sure if it was 'allowed' so I was keeping quiet about it. He is going to type out on a separate sheet of paper in his own words what they ask on the last page of IMM 5490. "provide additional details of your current...
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    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    Thank you. I did that but seem to have misplaced that particular form.....maybe under one of the piles!
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    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    Just noticed the form I printed is 5406LC. Oops, Wrong one??
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    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    Thank you again, Sweden Too late for the dinner table, the couch, the floor, the ironing board etc :o I just printed off IMM 5406. Seems to be a new one (04-2013). It doesn't have declarations after section A & B, just certification, Section D So 'A' applicant - my husband...
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    I'm probably just tired but.....IMM 5406

    IMM 5406 I've read the guide , listened to the Youtube video and read forum posts but still confused. Please bear with me. I am sponsoring my husband. He fills out this form. Section A...his name only as applicant. I understand he does NOT put me down as spouse as I am his sponsor. Am I...
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    moving winnipeg.

    I've been through Winnipeg many times over the years. Very friendly people. Very windy in winter and nicknamed "Winterpeg" for very good reason but if you're accustomed to Regina, it won't be such a big adjustment.....dress warm!! That's all I can tell you. You'll make the transition just...
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    Can I apply to sponsor my British husband while he is a visitor to Canada?

    Thank you canuck_in_uk for the personal experience, very encouraging. I can and will make a loud sustained noise when I need to >:( And to frege, thank you. We will wait for police certificate and include it with applications. He goes for the medical this week. Happy to know that we don't...
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    Can I apply to sponsor my British husband while he is a visitor to Canada?

    Another quick question please Does my husband have to wait for Medical and Police results to add them to his signed application before sending package back to me OR do they (doctor and police) send directly to CIC Mississauga or London office? Thank you
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    Can I apply to sponsor my British husband while he is a visitor to Canada?

    I'm a bit busy right now having a good cry! Thank you all so very much. I will email my hubby tonight. My goal is to get him here for November....3 months from now (optimistic, I figure, but it's always a good thing to have a goal) And this is why I chose November: We met online through a...
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    Can I apply to sponsor my British husband while he is a visitor to Canada?

    Thank you so much. We will continue as we are then. I have filled out my application and will send it to him as it needs his signature too. He is having his medical this week as well as sending in the Police thingy and getting photos. His application is complete and waiting for the medical...
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    Can I apply to sponsor my British husband while he is a visitor to Canada?

    Thank you so much for the link re: BC Medical. There is a glimmer of hope there. I am confused about something. I thought that I understood from the guide for filling out the sponsorship forms that we could fill out the forms, both his and mine, and send them in all together...to Mississauga...
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    Can I apply to sponsor my British husband while he is a visitor to Canada?

    I thank you all for your input. I'll address the possibility of my getting back to the UK. It is definitely not a walk in the park. Been there, done that. Three months after we were married...with permission and congratulations and £500 for fingerprints etc..... I was sent a letter telling...