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  1. K

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hi, idonotgetanygoodid and praveensk both have reported CC charge for their Applications received on 6th June, i.e. 6/6/2014. However their SS entries show App receiving date as 5/6/2014. Admin please correct this, thanks.
  2. K

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hi, Did you enter your application receiving date incorrectly in the spreadsheet or did the admin make that mistake before? Anyway it's great news that your CC got charged and hopefully you'll receive your PER soon! It also gives me a tiny bit of hope that being a 16 Aug 2132 applicant...
  3. K

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Dear Prashant, Don't you worry at all! The admins on this forum are humans, just like you and me who have no knowledge of the current scenario at CIC, nor do they control immigration. In all probability, I believe you'll be included in the cap, God willing. Just don't loose hope until it's...
  4. K

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    After 9th it's supposed to be 12th of Aug I believe? Hopefully there weren't any applications delivered on weekend. Have your say please.
  5. K

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Your application is of 13 Aug Prashant? Don't worry you'll be included. I'm on the 16th and that seems to be doubtful.
  6. K

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hi islandbabe, I'm new to this forum. I will be applying for FSWP soon but for now I can't access the FSWP 2013 timeline spreadsheet as Google Drive is giving me the following error: "You need permission to access this item. You are signed in as xyz@gmail.com, but you don't have permission to...