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  1. S

    Accompanying family member receive Passport Request, and the main applicant not

    Congratulations!!! That's a good news! :) Can you please let me know how many days it took from the date your wife got her passport request until you received yours? Perhaps it gives me a very rough estimate about how many days we might have to wait. All the best to you and enjoy your trip ;)
  2. S

    Accompanying family member receive Passport Request, and the main applicant not

    Ok. This means that every single applicant should receive his/her own passport request and otherwise the application is in process and not complete yet. Thanks Sarge_in and hope to receive good news soon.
  3. S

    Accompanying family member receive Passport Request, and the main applicant not

    Thanks Sarge-in ... I will also update you if they reply to my email ...
  4. S

    Accompanying family member receive Passport Request, and the main applicant not

    I just sent an email and asked regarding this. Hopefully they answer to me soon.
  5. S

    Help.. Visiting visa for Family, 2 got passport request, no info on third one

    Hi there, I have the same issue. My mother and brother both applied for visitor visas and my mother received an email today for passport request. the email says to her "this is for yourself and (if applicable) family members" . However, on the top of the page only my mother's name and file...
  6. S

    Accompanying family member receive Passport Request, and the main applicant not

    Hi there, I have the same issue. My mother and brother both applied for visitor visas and my mother received an email today for passport request. the email says to her "this is for yourself and (if applicable) family members" . However, on the top of the page only my mother's name and file...