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  1. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    SUCH GREAT NEWS :D !!! 10000000 MABROUK :D
  2. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    I will order my gcms notes next month to know if my file has been transferred, but how do you know? ::)
  3. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Hi, As a Federal Skilled Worker and not Quebec selected worker you should apply to address A. To be absolutely certain, go to this link http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/EG7TOC.asp#eg76 , it's the guide for Federal skilled worker applications posted on the...
  4. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    That's true if your application was at early stages, but you can order them again if it's been a long time since your last ones. Probably every 6 to 8 months or so.
  5. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Hi, It seems the strike is targeting prime minister Harper during his visit to Europe and so basically offices in European countries joined the strike, in addition to Tokyo, Tel Aviv, Ramallah, Hong Kong, Beijing and New Delhi. You can read it in this article...
  6. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    for how long have you been waiting? and did you try ordering your CAIPS notes ?
  7. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    that's great news for you then :D... Plus based on cic processing times, QSW in abu dhabi takes 40 months, so for you there's still 8 months max, no?? But I hope you'll get it sooner !! :D
  8. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Hi guys, Hope everyone's safe and not near any conflicts' locations!!??
  9. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    I hate to be negative about this, but this is not the first time they promise finishing backlogs and providing faster immigration systems. If you go back to the news releases of 2011 and 2012 you'll find many articles with the same content and yet here we are !!
  10. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    wow thanks a lot, that's very helpful !!!
  11. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Yes I have. Can you please tell me how to reach an MP ?
  12. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    There's no processing time for federal skilled worker in Beirut, it's been like that since I first applied in Jan 2012, only a " - ". And according to the footprint in the bottom of the cic page: (-) indicates that not enough data are available. Processing times are shown only where an office...
  13. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    That's the weirdest part, I don't have a due date and there should be an assigned officer, there isn't either.
  14. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    No I'm not a provincial nominee, I am a federal skilled worker with arranged employment opinion and my profession was in the list of eligible occupations in 2012. Please note that I previously were in Canada on a temporary worker visa and that's why I have the E000065*** number. Hope the...
  15. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    I am a federal skilled worker with AEO for noc 7241- Electrician. They received my federal application on January 30 2012 in CIO (nova scotia) I've received an email that my application has received a positive review and my file has been transferred to my local office on June 5 2012. I've...
  16. L

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Sorry I accidentally removed my post, so here it is again: Hi guys, I've been reading your posts for a while now and I gotta tell you, you are so positive you give me hope I don't wanna add my timeline before asking if it's ok with you, since I'm a Federal skilled worker applicant and I...