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  1. VancouverMombasa

    May 2013 OUTLAND applications!! :)

    I'm glad I can give people a bit of hope while they wait :) His flight is booked for Sept. 16 leaving Nairobi, landing on the 17th, so I guess if everything goes smoothly at the airport I won't be updating anymore! Thanks everyone for sharing their stories with me!
  2. VancouverMombasa

    May 2013 OUTLAND applications!! :)

    Well they called my husband and told him that because his medicals are expiring on Sept. 21 that he had the choice to either re-do them, or they could issue the visa on the condition that he make sure he lands in Canada before Sept. 21. So he obviously chose the second option to avoid delays...
  3. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    Maybe you will get lucky Scott with the medicals, like us! Fingers crossed. As for my secret, I don't have any! I guess we just got lucky! We also had a lawyer to help us put it together, so I'm sure that helped. Just lots and lots of relationship proof! As much as possible. Anyway, my husband...
  4. VancouverMombasa

    May 2013 OUTLAND applications!! :)

    I have an update! Visa issued August 26 :)
  5. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    Update again! My husband got a call yesterday saying that he got his visa! His medical is expiring on Sept. 21 so they asked if he would like to re-do them or they could just issue the visa right away, then he would be required to be in Canada before the medicals expire. So he is coming in the...
  6. VancouverMombasa

    May 2013 OUTLAND applications!! :)

    BradneyJ - I think the passport request is just for people from countries that need a visa to even visit canada, so cic can put something in the passport for them to enter. Since you're from England you can travel freely.
  7. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    Hey everyone Thanks for all the support! It's nice to have people who understand what a big deal getting news is :) Dimshin - We have a lawyer so he got the email first then sent it to us. Our online status is the same, but now he has his own UCI. When I sign in with his it still says the same...
  8. VancouverMombasa

    May 2013 OUTLAND applications!! :)

    I have an update for the spreadsheet! Passport was requested on July 27 :)
  9. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    Good news! We got a confirmation that Nairobi has our file and they have asked for passport and police certificate! As of July 27. Good to know they are really working on things! I hope this means we will get it soon :)
  10. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    hopehope- I was wondering the same thing (ours doesn't say in process yet either). I looked around on here and it seems like some people didn't even have it say that at all, it just went straight to Decision Made. I don't think they're very good about updating the status online in general. I'm...
  11. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    Welcome back! We haven't heard anything from Nairobi either... Not even a confirmation that they've received our application! I hope you hear something soon, then I won't be too far behind as I applied a little later than you :)
  12. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    I'm really not sure, sorry... Maybe call or write to Nairobi and ask them the same questions. Good luck!
  13. VancouverMombasa

    May 2013 OUTLAND applications!! :)

    Thanks for adding me! I made a mistake with the dates though, sorry.. We sent it in on May 13 They received it on May 16. I thought AOR is when they received it.. What is it really?
  14. VancouverMombasa

    May 2013 OUTLAND applications!! :)

    Hi everyone! Where can I see the May spreadsheet? Also, can I be added?
  15. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    From what I've read it seems like it takes a long time, sometimes years... SamStar got his waived by providing more proof, maybe you could try that? Or just settle in and be patient...
  16. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    So it took one week to for yours to get from Canada to Nairobi? Then four months until they looked at it? Did it show up online when it got to Nairobi?
  17. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    That's great, Scott! Asephil, have you heard anything since you got the sponsorship approval? We got ours about 3 weeks ago now and haven't heard anything since.. We're wondering how long it takes for the applications to get from Canada to Nairobi.
  18. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    Some good news.. As far as I can tell from the articles I've been reading the offices with employees on strike are: Manila, Beijing, Bangkok, Jakarta, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Chongqing, Astana, Delhi, Chandigarh, London, Moscow and Mexico City, and economic officers in Tokyo. Let's hope Nairobi...
  19. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    I can't post the link but there is a petition on change.org to CIC called "CIC: Process Family Class Permanent Residency applications in a timely manner" that someone has started. If you have a minute, check it out (I'm not sure exactly how much they can really do, but it can't hurt!).
  20. VancouverMombasa

    Nairobi Applicants 2013???

    Also, to everyone waiting for the Nairobi office, I am getting this message when I go to check for progress online: Strike Action The Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers (PAFSO) union is currently taking strike action. PAFSO union members responsible for processing visa...