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  1. N

    Passport send to CPP-O in Feb, anybody still waiting as i do?

    good news today, guys! after 10 weeks wait (they received my pp on feb 28), finally the track got active this afternoon. thank god my pp is on the way back, hope everybody will get their pp soon!!!!
  2. N

    How long does it take CPP-O to stamp PR visas?

    good news today, guys! after 10 weeks wait (they received my pp on feb 28), finally the track got active this afternoon. thank god my pp is on the way back, hope everybody will get their pp soon!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  3. N

    How long does it take CPP-O to stamp PR visas?

    congratulation to your buddy, hopefully we will have ours act next week :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  4. N

    Passport send to CPP-O in Feb, anybody still waiting as i do?

    Almost 3 months waiting, could anybody help? What can I do about it? :'( :'( :'( :'(
  5. N

    How long does it take CPP-O to stamp PR visas?

    CPP-O receive my passport on Feb 28, and I still waiting. Could everybody updates me what's going on? Thank you so much!