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  1. M

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    hey @msd and @cdntrini....The application hasn't been sent as yet but will let you guys know when the ball starts rolling.Thanks for the 'LOVE'...it's much appreciated. :-*
  2. M

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hey everybody :D...I'm new to this and have no clue what i'm doing but i've been on here a few times reading and it's so nice to have a place where we're all going through the same thing.I see that no-ones been getting any news lately :(....May is almost done so let's all pray that June brings...
  3. M


    He that wait upon the Lord shall renew his/ strength; shall mount up with wings like eagle.. The race is not for the swift but for those who can endure! know that Jah is the giver of all good things; you are next in line for his blessing If we had the ability to see what is ahead we would...