Hey everyone! I'm here because I have a question. I FINALLY got my FBI clearance after multiple fingerprints were being rejected, but I just received my clearance today. Yay! Anyways, on to the question, how do I know when my fingerprints "expire?"
On the forms they ask for you father's information. What if I don't know anything about his information and that he's never been in my life. I have step dad who I've called dad my whole life, he never adopted me so what do I do? Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
Hello, my question is would I be able to drive my American plated vehicle into Canada before getting my PR status. I haven't even submitted my application yet, but I am intending on doing it very soon. My Canadian husband will also be crossing the border with me in the same vehicle. Thank you.
Hey all, I'm from America and is in the process of working on my application (haven't submitted it yet). I have been given a visitor's record for a good amount of time and was wondering if I can 1) apply for an open work permit / a study permit before or during the application process? 2) How...