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    I want to sponsor my mother, but my common-law partner does not have status yet

    my parter is in Canada, with a work permit, we file Tax together, letters from Revenue Canada say we are in common-law relationship.
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    I want to sponsor my mother, but my common-law partner does not have status yet

    No, I did not submit sponsorship application for my common-law partner. My common-law partner will apply under EE in future.
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    I want to sponsor my mother, but my common-law partner does not have status yet

    Hi everyone I need help here about sponsor my mother to Canada. My mon divorced long time ago, so I just need to sponsor herself. I am in a common-law relationship, but my common-law partner does not have canadian status yet. My questions are: 1. does my common-law partner qualify for be a...
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    How the point to be counted with spouse

    Hi, everyone, I have a question about apply for CEC with spouse I knew the points difference between with spouse or without spouse, but I have a question that if the applicant is in common-law relationship but the partner has PR status in Canada, so the applicant will get points for with or...
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    sponsor parents income calculated before tax or after tax

    thank you. I will get an Option C printouts to check out.
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    Canadian PR wants to work at USA, does the person needs a work permit in USA

    as the tittle said, does PR needs a work permit to work in USA? if become Canadian Citizen , then what happen? thx
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    sponsor parents income calculated before tax or after tax

    if calculated before tax, then I can meet the LICO, so just want to make sure. thx
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    question about sponsor parents

    I think its not really fair like this way, because we have to wait for the LICO after the year was passed(for example, we know the 2013 LICO in 2014, basically,we have to wait additional one year to apply )
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    question about sponsor parents

    2013 is my second year of my job, the new rules that saying I have to have at least 3 years to meet the LICO, if I want to use 2012, 2013 and 2014 to submit my sponsorship file, do you mean i have to wait until 2016 because the LICO of 2014 will be released in 2015, and i have wait until 2016 to...
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    question about sponsor parents

    thank you for all the answers, i am only sponsoring my mom to come to Canada. if the rent counts, i will file my tax including the rent in April, 2014.
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    question about sponsor parents

    the 2012 minimun income for sponsor is 36,xxx, i think 2013 would be 37,xxx. my question is does rent count as income? do I have to proof that I have rent as income? (copy of cheques? NOA report?)
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    Post Graduate Work Permit, Bridging Open Work Permit and Implied Status

    thanks for the help. I saw some people file the BOWP application online. But after I research on the CIC web, I cant find any link that guide me to how to do it. Can you tell How I start to file the application, like where should I go look for the form online? thank you very much
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    Post Graduate Work Permit, Bridging Open Work Permit and Implied Status

    thank you for the help. I have a job right now. Now I have to file the application for an open WP, so should I included a job offer letter with wages and working condition? And in the IMM 5710 form, should I write my current job information?
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    Post Graduate Work Permit, Bridging Open Work Permit and Implied Status

    I just want to know what kind of support document should I included in my BOWP. I applied for CEC, and get my file number already.
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    BOWP - How many of you have applied and received it successfully?

    can anyone tell me what kind of support document should I included in my BOWP? thx
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    BOWP - How many of you have applied and received it successfully?

    I am new here, can I ask what does AOR mean? thx
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    can you tell a lit more about how you file the BOWP application? I check the cic web, and can not find any instruction about how you file the application online. and what kind of document you need to included? thank you very much