Friends, we can meet on 3rd June in the occasion of CIIP in Yak and Yeti. i think all forum member booked their seat for the program. i will be there in 8.30 am of 3rd june.
sir its really stressful but no option. i need to wait 42 days after Dm and 55 days after Stamping ...........but sir believe they will send ur document in near future.
now i am eligible for this forum because yesterday i received my PPT after 43 days from decision made and 55 days from stamping visa. my stamping date is 7th march 2013..... result of that more then 3 years processing in completed.
After 30 minute, 3 years more waiting will be finished. i just received call from Sky Net saying i need to go there after 4 pm. waiting of last 43 days is so stressful.
waiting document is problematic than waiting some one . coz if we are waiting some one and he/she will late then we can call to him/her............. but no way for waiting document and cant predict when waiting will be ended?