If you have enough time you can go to New Delhi and get the errors corrected.. it may take time, possibly 1 week and consider your travel expense too... since you have no errors in visa you will not get any problem in transits.. you have to show your COPR after arriving in Canada only... you...
We also traveled with errors in visa and COPR, there was misspelling in Surname... it was easily corrected in the Port of Entry.. The officers at Port of Entry are very co-operative.. you can get corrected at Port of Entry
Simple errors can be corrected at Port of Entry... be calm..we also did that.. if it is easy to correct you can ask for correction other wise Canadian officers are very kind and co-operative..
Hi seniors, please suggest me which one is the best certification in IT and electronics in NAIT
Business Analyst
Database Administrator
Software Testing
and others in the link...
I just Landed in Edmonton 3 weeks ago... I am graduated in Masters degree in Computer science and IT.... Can anyone suggest me what will be appropriate for me in Edmonton... any further study, short term training
I just Landed in Edmonton 2 weeks ago... I am graduated in Master degree in Computer science and IT.... Can anyone suggest me what will be appropriate for me in Edmonton... any further study, short term training
Congratulation for MR... You have to send bank draft.. if you send in INR you can save a few thousands.... The receiver name is "Receiver General for Canada" ..better go to the link provided in the email while sending MR and follow all checklist.. You need to send photocopy of passport signed...
Thank you all for your kind support ... we landed safely in Edmonton on August 9. I suggest all forum members to stop speculation of any kind. Sometime the suggestions give us unnecessary stress and frustration. We had errors in visa and COPR. The officers in immigration sections are very...
Ht2010 ji, I really appreciate your words.... some people landed there with Surname missing (Just regmi instead of regmi bhattrai), misspelling (shretha instead of Shrestha).. it is very common... well one problem is .. it takes competitively more time than others in the port for requesting...
The visa section in NDVO is in strike... if anyone sends passport they may have wait for another 3 months... it is better to have correction in the port while landing ....
I am also planning to land without correction... The visa is canceled and before doing signature in COPR the custom officer asks if any error ... we can ask for correction in the port.