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  1. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, honeybird u killing me here. lmao. thanks for the good laffs. i'm soooo jealous of you, enjoy your trip.
  2. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    oh geez i just read confused's note...yup same thing i said...lol. hope that helps, honey.
  3. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    yah i hear yah, i'm sooo missing my hubby. so your hubby has been approved as a sponsor right?? an im assuming your stuff is in POS?? i would suggest NOT sending them more info until the give you your own file number and they request the additional info. it would only add delay and they might...
  4. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hey Honey, Well our process is not fully complete as of yet... just need the confirmation basically. But it took us exactly a year, a little of that on our part because we did not do the FBI request until they asked us too (my hubby thought the single state ones were good enough for...
  5. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    OMG CONFUSED!!!!!!! I'M SOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU :) CONGRATS TO YOU AND YOUR PARTNER :) ...long overdue I must say, but patience is a virtue!!! As for my update, I ordered my Caips notes beginning of Aug and I got it this week, they are basically awaiting my hubby's FBI clearance an some minor...
  6. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    helllloooooooooooo room!!! hi confused, sorry i've been MIA, just been staying away cuz i'm not hearing anything positive all around. confused, i can't beleive u received your letter or a response a week before your interview...wtf?? anywho, just wanted to wish you the best of luck, you'll do...
  7. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi confused, sooooo glad to hear your week went great :) (sukkkey sukkkey ;) lol. soooo jealous too :S can't wait to have some 1-on-1 time with my mista!! as for the interview letter, don't stress it too tuff, my hubby got his 2 weeks before his actual interview, and some ppl said they got...
  8. I

    Please post your FBI request times.

    congrats love. i received my hubby's clearance in the mail today...waiting to go home to open it :) as for sending in your clearance, (assuming you're doing yours inland) i suggest you call them and ask for your file number, then once u got the file number, send it in. without the file number...
  9. I

    Please post your FBI request times.

    thanks sauga. hoping i get it today too :) ...i was really nice with them on the phone, maybe thats how i got the info ;)
  10. I

    Please post your FBI request times.

    congrats sogwap. so i sent mine in mid june and by mid july i called every single day and by the last week of july they siad its in process. then this monday they said it's in the mail, i'll receive it no later than this friday (tomorrow) :) ..they didnt tell me if no record was found, they...
  11. I

    Filing a complaint to CHC and the Minister of CIC for lack of customer service??

    hey confused, one of my frens was in the same sitch and they wrote to the Minister of Immg in Canada and he scheduled a meeting with the person in Canada and in no time the spouse was here ;) give it a go, you'd never know unless u try!! good luck hun!
  12. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    LOL, yah my hubby buys "credit" too :) which phone company did u make a deal with?? cuz antiman bell aint crackin at all :(
  13. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    i've never used 20-20, i've used carib queen and caribb combo. my fave card to use is "dial 011" the $2.25 card gives me 14 mins when i call a cell phone :) how much mins does the others give?? m previous ones only gave me 9 mins...for a 2.50 card.
  14. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    .....on another note, phone cards sucks when u run out and u have something important to say or talk about then u have to mission it to the store to buy another :S ...I usually keep a few on hand, but now I'm all out and so is the store :(
  15. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    hey guys, thanks for the phone tips ;) confused, i have skype, and have had it for awhile, we tried working that but the net connectivity where my hubby lives isn't the greatess, and I've tried with phone companies ....that 27.9cents per min aint working for me!!! guess i'll stick with my...
  16. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hello all, it's been awhile :) GTWifey and Confused, (and anyone else) what phone company/plan are you guys on?? Anyone in Canada with a great phone plan to call GT??? Please tell me as I'm missing my hubby tooo too much :( Thanks.
  17. I

    Please post your FBI request times.

    my timeline is not far off from you, Michaellab. Congrats. crossing my fingers for mine :)
  18. I

    Please post your FBI request times.

    congrats kess!! did u guys send a pre-paid envelope?? ..or just regular service.
  19. I

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    hello all!!! what's going on?? what's the latest?? ...does no news mean good news :) forum kinda quiet. hello confused, what's the latest? btw, my hubby didnt need a visa for curacao, most of the time u only need a visa if you're planning to stay longer than 6 months. hope all's well :)
  20. I

    Please post your FBI request times.

    congrats can-usa. this was your first set of prints sent in?? or replacement prints??