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  1. A

    Visitor Visa expiring, question

    My visitor visa, I just realized expires November 15th. My flight back to the US is November 17. Should this still be okay? I know if you apply for an extension, you are able to assume you will be granted the extension, but is this necessary for 2 days?
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    Passport Request! Now a question

    That is true. The application is finished, just haven't sent it in yet. We may give it another week or so. I already have my flight going back to the US for two weeks for Thanksgiving in November so I'll already be out of the country. We are just keeping our fingers crossed that I receive it by...
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    fake experience letter

    They will often check with the employer. Typically the experience letter would include the contact information, just like a reference letter or a resume. I would strongly advise not faking this letter. It would be better to get legitimate experience. You are seriously putting at risk any chance...
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    Do we send original Passport or copies??

    I would check your email again just to be certain, but I am a US citizen as well and mine required only a scanned copy of my photo page. Mine is being processed through the Ottawa office though, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference. Mine said very specifically: "You are a citizen of a...
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    Photos and relationship testimonial

    I was incredibly stressed out about this part of the application, mainly because my husband and I met online. We sent in about 50 articles (greeting cards that were mailed to each other which included ones his family sent to me and mine to him, emails, Facebook messages and comments, AIM chats...
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    fake experience letter

    I really would not use a fake experience letter. I wouldn't do this in my own country looking for a job, let alone use it to try and enter a new country. That just seems to be asking for trouble...
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    Passport Request! Now a question

    When I check my status, it hasn't changed. It still just shows received and hasn't been updated since March. I'm just wondering on the time frame because I'm currently in Canada on a visitor visa that expires mid November. I was just finishing up my application to extend my visitor visa when I...
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    Just Married.. What now? (spousal sponsorship questions)

    I haven't done this yet as I am waiting to change my name until after our application has been processed, but from what I understand it isn't too difficult at all. It can be done through an embassy. From what I researched in having my name changed on my passport, it would actually take less time...
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    Passport Request! Now a question

    Sorry, I've applied via family sponsorship. I am American and my Canadian husband is sponsoring me in. The application is being processed through CPP-Ottawa.
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    Passport Request! Now a question

    On September 11, I received a request for a scanned copy of the photo page of my passport. I emailed the information back as they requested same day and I received the Automated response email but I haven't heard a thing back since then. About how long can we expect to wait before we hear...