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Search results

  1. Ambitious15

    got my visa ALHAMDULiLLAH. plz i need some info

    Thank you too much bro. I hope you success too.
  2. Ambitious15

    got my visa ALHAMDULiLLAH. plz i need some info

    thank you brother so much i appreciate that.
  3. Ambitious15

    got my visa ALHAMDULiLLAH. plz i need some info

    Re: got my visa hamdolilah.. plz i need some info ok bro i will fix that thank you. i have applied from Algeria coz am algerian. our education syst is different from yours. anyway i got a B in the final year. am going for ETS MONTREAL école de technologie supérieure. I will land inshallah on...
  4. Ambitious15

    got my visa ALHAMDULiLLAH. plz i need some info

    hi. I am planning to go on 05 august as I have already booked my flight. I am taking me only the EURO currency and USD I want to know if there is possibility to change to CAD outside the bank to earn extra dollars better than changing with the bank ? i an going to montreal. Another question...
  5. Ambitious15

    Cheapest university in Ontario

    Hi I'm not sure but I think it's Ottawa university. I'm just focusing on Quebec that's why. The new thing for this university is that it offers exemptions from additional fees for international students but with some conditions you have to take a look.
  6. Ambitious15

    Students in Montreal Applied for Quebec Skilled worker for CSQ.

    Hi harry where are you what is new ? do you have suggestions for me ? please I rely on your experience there Just give me what's so needed in quebec labour now from 1800 hours DEPs thank you
  7. Ambitious15

    Is the American Dollar accepted in Bank statement ?

    Hi, I have filled already an account with Euro, but these days when I got my money ready to buy more I couldn't find the Euro so I'm confused if the embassy will accept two different accounts for me one in Euro and the other in USD. Please Reply soon if you know, because I've to buy now.
  8. Ambitious15

    So confused about this !!!!!!

    thanks Regina
  9. Ambitious15

    So confused about this !!!!!!

    hi friends I just have a confusion about this : If I got a job with the starting salary of 50000 CAD annual, can you tell me what will be my saving ? considering that I will spent about 10 000$ on living expenses. I just don't know what will be the amount dedacted for taxes but I'm sure it...
  10. Ambitious15

    Guy's don't decide to study in canada untill you read this post..

    hi friends I just have a confusion about this : If I got a job with the starting salary of 50000 CAD annual, can you tell me what will be my saving ? considering that I will spent about 10 000$ on living expenses. I just don't know what will be the amount dedacted for taxes but I'm sure it...
  11. Ambitious15

    Error in my CAQ please enter ! itstime, tiger, regina, PMM, mead ???

    I also contacted other friends from Algeria, one is going for a DESS (Diplôme d’Études Supérieurs Spécialisés) in this May which is one year diploma and confirmed to me that his CAQ is valid till May 2016 !!! can you believe that ? the other one is going for Doctorat of 4 years and got a CAQ...
  12. Ambitious15

    Error in my CAQ please enter ! itstime, tiger, regina, PMM, mead ???

    Re: Error in my CAQ please enter ! yes yes am so sorry the end date is 30-11-2015 I'll fix it
  13. Ambitious15

    Error in my CAQ please enter ! itstime, tiger, regina, PMM, mead ???

    Re: Error in my CAQ ! itstime, regina, PPM, Tiger, Mead, where are you experts any helps or another story fixed like me can make me relax
  14. Ambitious15

    Error in my CAQ please enter ! itstime, tiger, regina, PMM, mead ???

    Re: Error in my CAQ please enter ! come on guys ! really so worried plz
  15. Ambitious15

    Error in my CAQ please enter ! itstime, tiger, regina, PMM, mead ???

    Hi, I've received my CAQ (Quebec Acceptance Certficate) for study a master degree which normaly takes about 2 years maximum, as in my Admission letter, start date is 02-09-2014 End date is 31-08-2016 and these dates are exactly what I did request when filling the forms for CAQ but they gave me...
  16. Ambitious15

    Students in Montreal Applied for Quebec Skilled worker for CSQ.

    Hi my friend any news from you there ? I hope you are fine
  17. Ambitious15

    Students in Montreal Applied for Quebec Skilled worker for CSQ.

    Hi harry, I'm from Algeria already done my studies in French so no problem with French. let me tell the last thing I got about that program, I will past the email that I've sent in FRENCH TO éducation internationale and the answers are right after each question okay ? Bonjour, Es ce que le...
  18. Ambitious15


    Please my friends please please, Congrats for you... Please I'm still in my home country and I just need this simple and little information : I have found a particular program which is 2100 hours and cost only 11 800 $ and the duration is 17 months it's DEP DOUBLE Secretarial/Accounting...
  19. Ambitious15

    Students in Montreal Applied for Quebec Skilled worker for CSQ.

    Hi harry, I've checked lot of colleges, really I can't remember the name, but éducation internationale has sent me a pdf document with a short list of programs and international fees, one of them was that program it's in the region of Montérégie, I think it's close to Montreal isn't it ? after...