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Search results

  1. albertopt

    What is the best option

    Just Forgot What company helped you out with a contract or companies that you know can help me. Thanks
  2. albertopt

    What is the best option

    Thanks Great feedback, it is very close to my story, i dont mind giving a step back from my position has a store manager, i just want to have a job and from then on, go up with hard work and get my place in society,but that will give me time to learn more stuff about canada and their costumes...
  3. albertopt

    Skilled Worker

    I have only went to 7thgrade, 7 years of study, what do you call it, as i dont know how it is awarded there. Please get back
  4. albertopt

    What are my odds

    Hi everyone I have a background of 14 years in fast food chains,nearly five in store management, Courses, food and higiene, food safety both intermidiate,first aid, working in management, BII part 4(alcool licence) awarded by my former district court after an exam on legislation. Managing...
  5. albertopt

    Skilled Worker

    The thing is my education, i do speak another 2 languages spanish and portuguese but i think it wont do me no good. 3 courses reconized by the brithish government. What do you think
  6. albertopt

    Skilled Worker

    Hi Here it goes Education 0 points Language Ability 18 points Work Exp 21 points Age 10 Arranged employ. 0 Adaptability 3 Besides improving my french, the job will be the the tricky one. Let me know what u think
  7. albertopt

    Skilled Worker

    Hi Do you have some advice, my only downside is the studies i will definitly try to move up my french to medium but with a job offer im still 5 points short, i have a few certificates li health and safety, food and higiene and first aid will that count. will wait for an advice. Many thanks
  8. albertopt

    Papperwork required

    Thanks But i was meaning stuff like criminal record,passport, history of previous jobs etc,i am new at this stuff and trying to get all the information possible before making a decision, Hope to hear from you again or anyone that can help me out.
  9. albertopt

    Papperwork required

    Hi guys I am currently trying to get a job offer, if everything goes well i will need to know all the papers i have to provide before going to canada, canyou please let me know. Thanks.
  10. albertopt

    Skilled Worker

    Hi Guys, I have seen that i my experience in restaurant management is recognized as FSW, my question is i have done the self assesment and endend with 52 points as at the moment i dont have a job offer, with that it will go up to 62 points if im able to get a job offer missing the score of 67...
  11. albertopt

    What is the best option

    Hi again I belong the FSW category, but on assesement i came short with 52 points, my downside is my studies as didnt finish high school but i have a lot of experience on my field of work, the other thing i saw was the a job proposal is worth 10 points and i can work a bit more on my french as...
  12. albertopt

    Job before landing

    Thanks, have you heard of any companies in restaurant management that have done that for future employes, if yes can you name some as it will narrow my search. I am very keen to go there it looks like a wonderfull country, i am also improving my french has we already got portuguese, spanish and...
  13. albertopt

    Job before landing

    Hi guys Im from portugal, no need for a visa to go to canada, will it be easier to go there and look for a job that will give me temporary permit, and after that... can i get a resience permit after some time or the persons that go there and get a temporary permit after a certain amount of...
  14. albertopt

    What is the best option

    Hi guys i really hope you can help me, I am looking at the possibility of going to canada to reside there, my doubts are i have a background of store manager at a fast food chain service during 4 years at a total of 14 in catering i dont know if that qualifies as professional, a few...