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  1. C

    Same-Sex relationship sponsorship

    The previous times I have crossed I've indicated it was to see a friend and they asked how do I have a friend from Omaha, I said through a friend of a friend. I've never stayed longer than a week so I'm certain they'll ask what the heck there is to do there for 2 weeks in Omaha.
  2. C

    Same-Sex relationship sponsorship

    I am driving across into Washington and flying from there, saved me about $300. But a return flight out of her state probably will help some. I plan on bringing pay stubs, confirmation of employment, some bills, flight iteneraries, and my bank statements to show I have enough $ to support myself...
  3. C

    Same-Sex relationship sponsorship

    Thank you everyone for your helpful information! I have discovered more on this site in the last 24hrs than I have with hours of research! Its nice to talk to people who can explain it and not try to figure out legal jargin. I have another question, I am going to see my partner for 2 weeks in...
  4. C

    Same-Sex relationship sponsorship

    Hello! My partner is from Nebraska,USA. We are not currently living together we plan on marrying within a years time. I have just begun my research on this process so I'm still gathering the facts and trying to decide what will work best for us.
  5. C

    Same-Sex relationship sponsorship

    Hello Everyone, I have posted this message in a different thread so I am reposting this as a new topic for discution. First of all I would like to mention I am a very proud Canadian that my country recognizes rights of same and opposite sex partners. I have a few questions regarding sponsoring...
  6. C


    Hello everyone! Ive spent the last couple hours reading many of your posts. I have a few questions regarding sponsoring my American partner. I am involved in a same-sex relationship. I met my partner 7years ago online. Over the years our friendship grew and grew. I have gone to visit her many...