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  1. B

    dependant child not accompanying to canada

    if he were put down as in a common law relationship whould i need to provide evidence stating this, if so what - sorry still researching but getting no where. do you know what this mean? Were you convicted as a juvenile? In Canada, a young offender is someone who is 12 years of age or older...
  2. B

    dependant child not accompanying to canada

    thanks for that but still confused, surely if he is included in the application, they would be aware of his criminal conviciton so this would mean he would not even get to the medical stage. is there no way we can just state he does not want to go and get a statutory declaration stating this...
  3. B

    dependant child not accompanying to canada

    Hi - can anyone advice please, our 20 year old son does not want to move to canada with us and we don't want to put him on our applicaiton as he has a conviction as a juvenille. Can we submit a statutory declaration indicating that he does not want to go and that in furture we are aware that he...