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  1. E

    IMPORTANT - need answers

    sorry this was what happened , they said that he was accepted after he had an interview and everything but then after a while he recieved another letter saying he didnt get accepted and on the letter there was a total different file number and date of his interview was also different on the...
  2. E

    IMPORTANT - need answers

    sorry im not ever good at this , and i dont know much but i was trying to sponser my brother to come to canada from ethiopia when he got his interview to see if he was qualified. The date on the file didnt match the date he was given , and they didnt accept him ? does that make more sence ? :(
  3. E

    IMPORTANT - need answers

    i need help , my brother is in Djuboti and i been trying to get him here with the family he had an interview on may 31st, 2009 but when they brought the case it had a total different date on it , the date was for june 1st , 2009.But he was also rejected but i dont understand how that could...
  4. E

    need urgent help (advice)...............

    i need help , my brother is in Djuboti and i been trying to get him here with the family he had an interview on may 31st, 2009 but when they brought the case it had a total different date on it , the date was for june 1st , 2009.But he was also rejected but i dont understand how that could...