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Search results

  1. M

    Agency that could offer LMO

    Do you guys know any agency here in Toronto that deal with employment and LMO, in short agencies that could help you get an LMO and processing? thanks.
  2. M

    Work permit

    I already graduated my education in Japan... can I apply for a skilled worker here in toronto so I could ge ta work permit?
  3. M

    still need LMO?

    Do you still have to have an LMO or just a job offer letter? I had graduated bachelor os science in economics in Japan.. and i am currently working in tim Hortons here under working holiday visa... i need help :(
  4. M

    LMO(working visa)

    so your husband have an experience abroad and he is using it here in Canada? My friend graduated bachelor of economics back in japan,,, can he apply to work here in Toronto.. and he also work as Fitness instructor... he really needs to get an LMO to be able to apply for work permit... I hope God...
  5. M

    refused LMO...

    I am in Ontario now... I am currently looking for an agency that could help me.. look for a job that could give me an LMO and assist my LMO... i hope i could find one...
  6. M

    refused LMO...

    If you are working on a same company, does your employer still need to place an advertisement or just he need to go ahead and apply for LMO directly? thanks
  7. M

    refused LMO...

    I asked my employer at Tim Hortons if he could get me an LMO and he said No because he said its too much work for him.... do you think it is possible to ask my previous homestay family to get me an LMO? they have one kid, and maybe I could ask them if they could be my employer for babysitting...
  8. M

    LMO processing time

    sypnicole! You are the best! ;) thanks... what a big help!
  9. M

    LMO processing time

    I just would like to ask.. just yesterday my employer had said yes on applying for my LMO... I was just wondering how long it would take for an LMO to be processed (in ONTARIO)? Thank you guys :)
  10. M

    applying for LMO

    I am currently working at Tim Hortons now for 3 months... my working holiday VISA will expire next year of june, do I still need to get a new LMO from my employer at Tim Hortons or just a job offer letter then apply for work permit or extension? because I thought getting an LMO is before getting...
  11. M

    working holiday confused...

    when i was in japan, i applied for a working holiday visa, but when i came here to Toronto i saw that the sheet they attached to my passport says work permit? are those the same? confused... I know i cannot extend my working holiday visa... but i really would like to stay more... I am now...
  12. M

    Working Holiday Visa extension

    and also...... I have called the CIC about work permit extension they told me to get two documents which is job offer letter and and LMO to be able to apply for initial work permit, extension and modification of my work permit.. i'm kind of confused... what is initial work permit? does it mean...
  13. M

    Working Holiday Visa extension

    thank you... :) I am currently working at Tim Hortons... is it possible for me to get an LMO from my employer?
  14. M

    Working Holiday Visa extension

    Hello people! :) I just have question: I just recently came here in Toronto Canada on August 2012 and I came here as working holiday visa and it will expire next year of June 2013. On my first month here in Toronto, I got hired to work at Tim Hortons, I think working here is one of the best...