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  1. B

    My case

    Thanks so much. I am from Vietnam but studying in the States under F1 visa. Do you have any website that states requirements for apply for WHV? Or how can I find out more about this WHV?
  2. B

    My case

    Hi Swede, I am new and I am also looking for a way to settle in Canada. Can you tell me what "working holiday visa" is? Thanks a lot.
  3. B


    I have searched in job bank and found a number of employers who are looking for music teacher. So I am quite positive about getting a job but not sure how complicated the paper work would be. And I know I will have to make in-person interview. That's why I'm thinking of getting visitor visa first.
  4. B


    Hi, I am a musician and in F1 visa at the moment. I don't have proof for work experience since all I did was teaching private lessons. That says I can't apply for skilled worker right? Can I get a visitor visa and look for a job while I am in Canada, then apply for TWP later if I get an offer...