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  1. Salacis

    A few questions about when and how...

    Ahh yes.. Taxes.. Hadn't thought of that. :D Thanks for the advice Leon!
  2. Salacis

    A few questions about when and how...

    That's my understanding of the process, at least from what i've read on the site and from friends of my boyfriend that have all gone through this process already. Though that does bring up another question. At the time of my move, i'll be working online as a medical transcriptionist. Does...
  3. Salacis

    A few questions about when and how...

    Thank you so much all of you for the input. I'd just die if i got to the border and they told me no! I have some time so i can discuss logistics and the like with the boy :) Again, thank you all!
  4. Salacis

    A few questions about when and how...

    Oh wow. Good point.. Maybe it'd be best if i moved a little bit at a time, or maybe sent my things to him before moving so i have only a few bags when i cross?
  5. Salacis

    A few questions about when and how...

    Thankyou for the response! So my original plan then would make sense. Move all my things up there mid to late spring, extend my visitor pass at the 6 month mark, and at the end of that extension, have him sponser me for PR? that's what i'm thinking will happen, just wanna make sure that the...
  6. Salacis

    A few questions about when and how...

    To start the immigration process. Some info about my situation: I'm a US citizen, currently involved in a two year relationship with my Canadian boyfriend. We met online, have been going back and forth with emails, MSN messages, and even our nightly phone calls via Skype. We haven't officaly...