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  1. C

    RQ before test , timeline

    So glad to hear some one has the good news. Now what we have to do is "waiting" and "waiting". However, we trust -- we have all the qualified conditions, so no worried about, just wait... Now so many people are lining up... For our common people, we can only wait.
  2. C

    Good News!! Liberals finally talking to Kenney about Wait times and Backlogs...

    Very good news. I think, it is conservative party who forces the future citizens to love liberty party! Oh, my God, we love the two Liberty party MP gentlemen so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear Mr. Kenny has the power to shorten the processing time, but he leaves the golden chance to...
  3. C

    RQ before test , timeline

    Hope we have best lucky!
  4. C

    RQ before test , timeline

    Applied on Aug 8, 2011; Aug, 2012 got pre-test RQ; documents with RQ sent back to CIC within two weeks; CBSA rrecord sent back in Sep, 2012; All documents matched with the file in Late Sep, 2012; no information till now... contacted MP -- no help, the same answer as CIC call centre... stay...
  5. C

    RQ before test , timeline

    Does any one get the invitation for test now? For pre-test RQ applicants?
  6. C

    Citizenship Application Status "in process"

    If like this, the waiting is very long now...