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  1. M

    Mutual Recognition Agreement

    I hold a PhD degree from a known UK university. Does anyone know whether there exist any Mutual Recognition Agreement of academic degrees between UK and Qebec or between UK and Canada ? If so, please give me a link for such info. Thanks
  2. M

    Immigrate at 54 ?

    I am 54 years old and have 3 daughters, aged 25, 20 and 17, all being my dependents. Can any one, with a good knowledge of immigration rules, tell me whether I stand any chance if I apply for immigration to Qebec. My daugheters and I are perfectly fluent in French and English.
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    offence 25 years ago

    Thank you so much... do you think using an immigration lawyer or consultant would help my friend with his case , or can he just apply directly to the CIC ?
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    offence 25 years ago

    Thanks Pk09... I do not usually bother to reply to such comments. This is supposed to be a forum where people exchange ideas and advice , not show disrespect..Thank you to all who have made my friend's day. :)
  5. M

    immigration consultant

    Can anyone tell me whether you really need a lawyer/imigration consultant to process your application and does it effectively help to hire one ?
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    offence 25 years ago

    Thank you to all... so, do you think that my friend stands any chances of getting his immigration application approved even with a "no live trace" police certificate ?
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    offence 25 years ago

    Thank you all for the valuable feedback... However, If the offence is now "stepped down" as you reckon, does it really need to be declared on the IMM 0008 application form (it was much less than 1000CAD) since ,according to you, it might not show on the ACPO police certificate anyway ???
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    offence 25 years ago

    Thanks alot for the feedback.. After that offence, my friend stayed in UK for 4 more years without any trouble. He had then left the country but visited again as a tourist on 2 occasions and was granted the tourist visa without any problem.. I there a chance that the offence might have been...
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    offence 25 years ago

    A friend of mine was caught shoplifting in UK around 25 years ago. he went to court and had to pay a fine. He has , since that incident moved on as a professional . He is now in the process of applying for permanent residency in Canada and is worried that the police certificate might mention the...