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  1. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Hey Everyone Just wanted to spread some good news We applied for PR with OWP on March 20th, my wife received her OWP last weekend and was issued on May 20. So the stated within 4 months actually happened as she received her in 2 months exactly!
  2. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    I am just referring to the time it takes for them to give you an AOR. This can sometimes take a month or longer. I had them send the OWP app back before, its no fun
  3. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    I would say play it safe, there could be a chance they view the application when she is out of status which will make you restart the OWP process. One thing I have learned with these yahoos is to over prepare
  4. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    You might want to extend her visitor status since they may not receive your application in time. This could cause extra wait, my wife still had 3 months valid when we sent ours
  5. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    I believe in that case you would have to wait 9 months if everything went without a hitch
  6. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Thanks, that clears things up for me :) Happy job hunting
  7. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Danny, where did you see the status for OWP being issued? Are you just pulling that date off the letter your received with the OWP or did you get an email?? I just recieved my AOR for sponsorship on the 14th of May, so according to your timeline there is a chance my wife may get her OWP soon
  8. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    No it was only after Feb 22nd I believe
  9. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    I mentioned earlier that my lawyer forgot to tell me about the $100 fee that was tacked on in February. Well CIC sent back my application asking for the receipt despite the fact I sent it a week later separate with a note. Just an FYI
  10. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Just a heads up I submitted my wifes PR/OWP in late March We just received the AOR yesterday.
  11. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Yes thats it Thanks for clarifying
  12. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    For all I know they would come back and ask for more money but it wasnt a chance I was willing to take. I know when we extended my wifes visitor visa, we made a mistake and she was a couple days out of status. They just came back and asked for more money to put her back in status...
  13. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Well the fact I paid the lawyer tons of $$$ he should be in the know after the new rules was implement a month prior :) I sent the $100 in separate with a note indicating what happened. Hopefully it does not slow down my wifes application
  14. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    I believe that was only a cash grab once they saw how many people applied. Pre the FEB announcement you should be ok, funny thing was my Immigration Lawyer had no clue about the fee, I only realized I had to pay from this forum.
  15. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Good to know, I missed the additional $100 fee imposed in Feb. Sent it sepperatly so hopefully there should be no issues. I applied in March BTW
  16. hooligander

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Hey Everyone I just sent my application last week and it was formally recieved today. I just noticed the fees for OWP, my "lawyer" mentioned that I would only have to pay the $155 since I questioned what the $100 was for. What will happen to my application for my wife? Will I have to...
  17. hooligander

    Questions about Inland

    Thanks guys she actually does have a bio metric passport so its just a matter of talking to immigration then I guess. So confusing, you can apply inland but how do you get in lol
  18. hooligander

    Questions about Inland

    Thanks so basically my best bet is to tell them that she has an intention of leaving and book a 6 month - 1 year roud trip flight I dont want to get caught on the border in a situation where she cannot enter, nor do I want to screw with our chances of getting approved on n inland
  19. hooligander

    Questions about Inland

    Can someone help with the last outstanding question
  20. hooligander

    Questions about Inland

    Sorry for the confusion Her other visa is now null and void but we have travelled too and connected in Canada since being in Bermuda within the last year So to be clear we would be applying for a new tourist visa Being from Poland she can attain a travel visa at the airport, just a little...