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  1. T

    Moroccan Marriage

    what u receive from local police is a police check record from ur LOCAL city only.but it also does wide search from royal canadian mounted police database also. if u have a conviction of anykind it will show in RCMP portion.. for purpose of mariage in moroco it must be a security clearance...
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    Moroccan Marriage

    Hello, My fiance and I are planning on getting married in January 2011 and after I come back to Canada, we will send off the immigration papers. I have a question about getting married though first. If anyone reads this, we would really appreciate your help. The document that needs to be...
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    Canadian Women Marrying Moroccan Man

    No worries. I am just glad that you understand now :)) My fiancee and I would like to get some peoples perspective on the paperwork needed to get married (For the most part, we know what we need) however we just want to get other peoples views and what are other peoples stories but not just to...
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    Sponsoring husband from Morocco

    Hello, I am just writing to find out if everyone who has received word that their husbands were accepted to come to Canada, are the canadian women working or are there some that are not. I am have found that some people say you have to have a job in order to support your husband to come to...
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    Canadian Women Marrying Moroccan Man

    Hello, I am sorry if I wrote Canadian WOMEN. I should have written I am a canadian woman who is marrying a moroccan man. Sorry for the confusion. There is no polygamous marriage here and I would NEVER be involved in one.
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    Canadian Women Marrying Moroccan Man

    Hello, I am going to be marrying a moroccan man in May 2010 and we will be filing the paperwork so I can sponsor him to come to Canada once I return from our marriage. I am wondering if there are any canadian women that would like to share their stories with me either here or by email. Id like...
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    Canadian Women Marrying Moroccan Man

    Hello, I am going to be marrying a moroccan man in May 2010 and we will be filing the paperwork so I can sponsor him to come to Canada once I return from our marriage. I am wondering if there are any canadian women that would like to share their stories with me either here or by email. Id like...