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  1. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    man az toronto greftam 980$ ba Luftansa . az onvar migreftin arzontar mishod.
  2. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    They will send to both of them .
  3. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    man hafteh pish ankara bodam va hotel king raftam . piadeh 10 min rah hast ta sefarat. hotelesh 4 * ast va shabi 150 lireh torkyeh ast . hoteleh khobi bod .
  4. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    hi I'm going to pickup my visa tomorrow, if anybody needs help about visa just let me know.
  5. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Mer30 as tabrik Na man sarbazi naraftam , moaf shodam. Bazam mamnon
  6. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Mer30 . Vaghean suprize shodim !!!! Hanoz to shok hastamm.
  7. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Happy noruz to everyone , I finally received The golden email. Vow Omidvaram ke hame sale Khobi dashteh bashin va bezodi hame pass request shin.
  8. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Simple Admin (SAdmin) :)
  9. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Man javabe CAIPS ra emroz greftam . Medical , eligiblity va criminal hame pass shodeh ghabl az in process shodanam . Medical ra ham extend kardand . Ezdevajemon ra ham ke passed shideh. Faghat security screening monedeh . Dalili nadreh bara matal shodan faghat ina sahmeyeh emslaeshon por...
  10. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    :D we are in the same boat exactly :)))))))) my wife is trying to find the best place and last night she told me that Cuba is the best choice for Us. Ticket's price is good and in some hotel, they offer you drink and food as all you can eat! But when the PPR comes to Us? this is the main matter...
  11. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    I have been in dubai and malaysia as well but i spent less than 5 month, Furtunately as they said befor 5 month no need to have police certificat. Cheers
  12. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Please dont say that even for fun :D, Any comment here can make people hopeful or hopeless who check this page every other hour ! ;D you know people love to have something to gossip. :D lol
  13. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    I'm agree with you dude, as i said i was in london for 5 years and got police certificate from UK, I dont think that would be a proplem for me or people like me to postpone our ppr process. There is just one evidence to force them make the process slower that is the cases are not strong enough...
  14. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    So bad for me that have made too many travels outside Iran ;D I have been in UK for 5 years so if its true ...
  15. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    I dont realy know wtf is wrong over there ! There isnt any rule that show us how long after in process we will get our ppr. Some one got after 1 week and some other after 4 month still wait !
  16. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    It is a bother to have to wait so long but there is no choice for us at this time. :-X (Avalin chizi ke to site didam in bod ke vaghti tamas begirin ke zaman process kheili tolani beshe az zaman tain shodeh.) So its clear that they dont respect to any email or phone call. All of them dont mind...
  17. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    As he said, his case turned to in process 25th of Sep and got ppr last week.
  18. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Here it is : Application Received On : 2/24/2012 Sponsorship Approved On : 5/31/2012 Comment : Started perocessing on 2 October 2012 Medical results have been received. eCAS Status : In Process
  19. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    I just know that they sent their documents on 5th of feb 2012 .
  20. samoel_666

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Look that good news can be share in just less than a daghighaaah . I wish all you guys be happy all time wit your family . :D