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  1. H

    got medical done on 26th november still no response from CHC... ????

    @ wistful, ok cool, hav ya got visa? or not yet, yea ill fly in 2010 lol, da only problem wod be accomodation, da rest will be fun tho, i hop u get ur visa early n btw r u living on campus or off campus
  2. H

    got medical done on 26th november still no response from CHC... ????

    hey wistful, i am goin to centeniial college , biomedical enginnering bla bla bla, so wassup wot course u doin, n wots ur campus, n i got visa lyk 3 days back
  3. H

    got medical done on 26th november still no response from CHC... ????

    hey guys wassup, do u still remember me , i got visa like 2 days back, its multiple, i hop u guys also com outta this misery, anyways any1 thinking of sharing room in toronto, coz acccomodation is a prblem for me,, n suggest me da enroute to canada, i mean which airline would be cheapest from africa
  4. H

    Waiting for initial response from canadian high commission

    @ kalyan , sorry to hear dat man, dats y i keep sayin its not predicable at all, coz even after stating dat u r a well deserved candidate, things can still go wrong
  5. H

    whats a good proof of funds for undergraduate from pakistan??

    man its all depends on luk, i hav been readin dat guys even wif lots of land hav been rejected , so ther is no way to fulfill this particular requirment, as they can place this reason wherever n whenever they want, even if it doesnt justify , buh they hav a ryt to do so
  6. H

    still waiting............

    @ uzair wassup homi... hav ya also applied in college located in toronto, btw if ur applying from pakistan can i know wot files are these CHC guys are processin currently, n wen r u expecting ur cookie
  7. H

    AnyBody waiting for visa from more than 3 months.....

    guys i wnted to ask a question , they always say that u dont hav enuf ties back to ur country, lets create a scenario for sake of example, a guy who is from pakistan/india/ china but presently living in uAE for long and hasnt seen his country since then , how would he proove his ties... think...
  8. H

    got medical done on 26th november still no response from CHC... ????

    guys i wnted to ask a question , they always say that u dont hav enuf ties back to ur country, lets create a scenario for sake of example, a guy who is from pakistan/india/ china but presently living in uAE for long and hasnt seen his country since then , how would he proove his ties... think...
  9. H

    Need help for student visa

    guys i wnted to ask a question , they always say that u dont hav enuf ties back to ur country, lets create a scenario for sake of example, a guy who is from pakistan/india/ china but presently living in uAE for long and hasnt seen his country since then , how would he proove his ties... think...
  10. H


    good to hear dat weezy! jus keep us up to date wif ur visa arrival , i hop u get it , which college / uni r u planin to go
  11. H

    got medical done on 26th november still no response from CHC... ????

    @ saeed n uzair yo wassup homis< i remeber readin ur name from long time on oda forum, wassup u guys havnt got ur visa yet, hav u deferred ur program or reapplyin it, tho it has noffin to do wid long n hectic waitin caused by chc but i was little curious, guys jus pray dat we all succeed in...
  12. H

    AnyBody waiting for visa from more than 3 months.....

    yea man i also applied, for jan intake so lets see which way it turns , tho need lots of prayers n luk afta i read da earlier blog, chc islamabd ,, yo man its really nightmare! ??? i sent medicals few days bak,,, so guess dey r still revieweing it btw tell me about urs wot r they sayin n wer...
  13. H

    still waiting............

    hi every one! i m frm lahore paki, applied in a college in toronto, though i applied for visa from africa coz i live there, anyways that was my introduction , submitted medicals on 10 dec n still waitin for a good response INSHALLAH! btw guys keep sharin infos n wat happend wid interviews...
  14. H

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    hey everyone i hav been readin dis forum since i wasa kid. lol, i mean seriously long time bak, guys for jan intake 2010 plz continue sailing so dat we can express our views wif homis dat r hopin to go for jan2010! @@@ SASHA wassup gal, i m also frm africa n i wanted to know the ratio for...
  15. H

    AnyBody waiting for visa from more than 3 months.....

    hi guys , just pray dat at da end u do get visa, coz all these timelines become just waste of time n burden in heart once after all waiting and comparing timelines with other fellow , once the embassy thinks otherwise! tho i m prayin that things work well for all of us :-\