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Search results

  1. scorpion30

    pregnancy and MR request

    Hi I went thru same situation and torment...... few suggestions with my exp 1.) Dont worry for your wife's X-Ray....Docs are going to put the sheild around her and she or child wont be effected....we did the same thing when my wife was expecting..very thing went fine accept the fact that my...
  2. scorpion30

    child birth after visa

    Hi There Ali has given you abolutely correct information...i went through same situation but for us they took almost 6 months to reissue Visa. Before applying your new borns visa please bear in mind following points:: I am sharing my exp and process of ading New Born..if Child is born after...
  3. scorpion30

    Super Visa Query

    Hi Can someone advice me on following situation I am here in CA on PR for past 6 months. I do have Permanent job. Though i am married but family (wife and 2 kids) is till back in my country they will joing in april 2014.......wanted to call my mother on super visa immediately a.) Does LICO...
  4. scorpion30

    :: MI-1 @ NDVO >> Got DM :: No Address Line Added/Changed: Is this a Good sign?

    Re: :: MI-1 @ NDVO >> Got DM :: No Address Line Added/Changed: Is this a Good sign? Congrats...normally its 5 days if you are staying in new delhi........else get in touch wiht your area post office...sometimes they even delay the delivery
  5. scorpion30

    my baby name in passprt and birth certificate

    i agree with other members in the post...please the documents sorted our with correct names else it would delay the process bigtime....
  6. scorpion30

    First month in Canada on PR

    Hi I have been observing this post for long now as i am also the onewho would be landing sometime in July.... I think whatever On-Hold is telling is correct and trying everyone to show the reality and breaking the myths....to act accordingly or not is upto the members on forum........
  7. scorpion30

    Please advice

    any more experiences...please post
  8. scorpion30

    can visa office make mistakes???!!!

    yes they can do this......they lost all my documents passport and all othe documents.....after follow up for two months they accepted their mistake and started searching...finally they were able to find my docs......so, yes they can do these mistakes.....but please inform proactively ASAP
  9. scorpion30

    Does OHIP cover pregnancy and Delivery for a new immigrant

    Hi I went through similar situation like your....following is the process to add the new bor baby if born outside canada and before landing.... I am sharing my exp and process of ading New Born..if Child is born after receiving PRVs and before landing:: 1. Please get Birth Crtificate and...
  10. scorpion30

    Please advice

    Thanks Sonea....this brings some relief to me as my son is lil shy in nature and remains quite.....hope he accomodates himself in canadian culture real quick
  11. scorpion30

    Please advice

    Hi All I posted following query in Sattlement Topic...but no concerete reply was received...can someone guide on my question I am planning to move to CA, Toronto in mid july. My elder son who goes to 3rd Std in New Delhi, India will be joing school in CA. Can someone share their kids exp in...
  12. scorpion30

    Seniors..Please Advice

    Thanks for reply...any more takes for my questions....
  13. scorpion30

    Seniors..Please Advice

    Hi I am planning to move to Canada with my Family(4 Members) in August 2013 I want my mother to come along for initial few months. Can i apply for my Mothers Visa (Visit/Tourist Visa) now. Are there any chnaces she would get the Visit Visa now????? Seniors please advice the right course of...
  14. scorpion30

    Schooling Exp????

    Hi Manian thanks for reply....i am aware of information you shared with me...again thanks a lot for taking out time....my questions are little different Can someone share their kids exp in canadian schools...how were their initial days in schools....any challanges, if any they faced......how...
  15. scorpion30

    Schooling Exp????

    Hi All I am planning to move to CA, Toronto in mid july. My elder son who goes to 3rd Std in New Delhi, India will be joing school in CA. Can someone share their kids exp in canadian schools...how were their initial days in schools....any challanges, if any they faced......how quickly they...
  16. scorpion30

    Medical Insurance

    Although seniors inthis forum have already mentioned manytime to have medical insurance in first splace before you travel as most of the state medical insurance dont cover yourself for initial 3 months og landing...... I would recommned the same as i travelled to Canada on PR recently for...
  17. scorpion30

    All about PROOF OF FUNDS

    Amount Linked with PF can be shown as POF...I did it for myself...got the documents attested from Organization and PF office...they readily accepted that...
  18. scorpion30

    Staying in Toronto::

    Yes you need two address proofs...since initially you will be staying with your friend..dont worry you have good time to apply for health card because till 3 months you wouldnt be able to avail any meds benefits in case you are going to land in Ontario..... Check med norms if your going to stay...