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  1. L


    well hello form fam. have not been on in a hot min. since hubby got back in april. love to see the form going strong and all new names. this form was my biggest support. lonely my hats off to u. still here giving all your knowlege and support u are a great women. my hubby has been home since...
  2. L


    evening everyone... just popped on to say hello and hubby has landed safe and sound. i still cant get over he is on canadaian soil lol. the landing and immagartion went smooth, nice flight. my son is sooo excited to have him home as soon as we walked up to our house he was starting to say daddy...
  3. L


    hey everyone sorry I have not postd much lately. Busy getting ready for hubby to come home.He got the call to pick up his passport today. so I hope he will be home by next sunday no longer then the 25th. sooo many mixed emotions going on I have been waiting fot this day for a while now lol. I...
  4. L


    THANK YOU LADIES yes hubby and I are super happy right now. we have been waiting for this day for 4 years now. SOOO WORTH THE WAIT we are looking at flights around April17th. I still am in shock. My heart dropped when he told me KG called lol my BF date was April 11th so sassy will get her...
  5. L


    !!!!!!!!!!UPDATE!!!!!!!! hubby got the call today to bring in his pp. wooooooooooooooooooot woooooooooooooooooot He is in the middle of renewing it right now. He handed it in 2 weeks this friday and they said it will take from 2and a half to 3 weeks to get it back. soo I am looking at middle of...
  6. L


    good evening everyone. I was just letting everyone know that I have whydotheykeepusapart on FB and just found out her interview went well and hubby got the call today to bring in his passport. so there you go another update. As for me my MP found out that my bring forward date is april 11th a...
  7. L


    maple yaya congrats. thats HUGE home before summer three months will fly by fast! sooo soo happy for u.
  8. L


    congrats faith and peace! sooo soo happy for u two. wow KG is moving.I love it. happy anniversary maple. and homesoon sounds like the interview was smooth sailing thats great to hear. so much action now a days from KG everyone getting through one by one.
  9. L


    ya soso my lil man will need a booster thanks!
  10. L


    luv the vybz today on hear. thank you lonely and how does it feel u are tooo happy right now lol i dream of that day all the time and its soon hear.
  11. L


    soso i hope ur right lol i just sent my e-mail to KG a few mins ago lets see where it gets me haha
  12. L


    LCW congrats. I WAS DRIVING AND READING UR NEWS ON MY BLACKBERRY ALMOST CRASHED HAHA soooooo sooooo happy for u. DADDY is coming home ur lil one must be sooo happy awwwww. I am writing up my bad ass e-mail right now to KG lol see where it gets me.
  13. L


    hubby had to write a letter explaining in his views why he should be allowed back to canada.
  14. L


    ARC fee 400 removal costs 1500 I hope this is a good sign. I cant wait for this wait to end. I was looking at torontogirls timeline and even after she handed in her ARC stuff and med. redo it took 7 months. I get a knot in my tummy when i think of it. But you cant follow timelines really. look...
  15. L


    hey kc . welcome back happy you had a great trip.I was requested the arc fee and letter aswell as the removal costs, meds. redo and police check. we handed in everything this monday jan 18th.
  16. L


    homesoon congrats. thats amazing haha 4 months wow! keep them coming KG.
  17. L


    soso im hear! count me in for sure. it will be fun homesoon i would e-mail KG right away makes no sence to me.
  18. L


    sassy check ur e-mail!!
  19. L


    woooot wooooot sassy... its the best feeling isnt it haha i called my mp today and she said since they asked for the meds aswell its a good sign so she thinks it will not take too much longer expecally not 6 months. yayaya
  20. L


    lol soso he did talk toooo much. i had a good time. had to get out and listen to some music and chill but wish hubby was there to dance with me i was missing him that night hahaha. thanks again everyone for the congrats!! LCW i wish hes back by Feb. but sassy told me it may take up to 6 months...