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  1. C

    Short visit

    Hey, I am a US citizen. I just finished a working holiday visa in canada about a month ago and have moved back to the US. Im planning to visit my girlfriend in montreal this weekend. Im just wondering - will i experience any trouble at the border because 1. I have recently worked in canada, 2...
  2. C

    Change of Temporary Res Status

    Further- I have not yet received a response from CPC-v and I am planning to leave in 6 days. Will the US border wonder why I appear to have overstayed even though I applied for an extension? Also, the response will be sent to my address in Canada of which i am moving out of. I believe the...
  3. C

    Change of Temporary Res Status

    Cool. Thanks!
  4. C

    Change of Temporary Res Status

    I submitted the application online and it says it was transmitted. So implied status means that it is implied that the application is accepted? What if somehow it gets rejected? Thanks!
  5. C

    Change of Temporary Res Status

    Hello, I have been working in Canada on a 6 month temporary work permit and it is soon to expire. I applied to stay as a visitor for an extra two weeks as I will have already paid through november and do not plan to work after my permit expires. Im from the US and the last time I crossed into...
  6. C

    Trying to intern in Montreal...

    Why would they be more unlikely to approve an unpaid skilled internship than a normal paid position? Or would both be highly unlikely? Is there anything I can do to improve my chances? Thanks
  7. C

    Trying to intern in Montreal...

    Thanks for the response. What is the likelyhood that the HRSDC would approve a foreign student internship?
  8. C

    Trying to intern in Montreal...

    Hello, I am an american student attending a New york state university. For my academic program I am required to complete an internship (300 hrs), for one semester. I have found a location in Montreal that would like to have me as their intern (unpaid). I would like to start in January but I am...