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Search results

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    Divorce after Sponsorship

    If someone has sponsored his/her spouse, can he/she divorce before the obligatory 3 year period of support is complete?
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    Visitor Status Expired 4 years Ago

    Now my friend and his wife want to go to the US for Christmas. Will there be problems crossing the border into the US and coming back again?
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    Visitor Status Expired 4 years Ago

    Can the wife apply to stay here legally. If so, what is the process?
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    Visitor Status Expired 4 years Ago

    I have a friend whose wife is a US citizen. She came to Canada to visit 4 years ago. A few months later she married my friend. Her visitors status has expired. Can she be deported if anyone finds this out? Would anything happen to my friend (ie. could he be charged with harboring an illegal...