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  1. S

    i got first stage approval for my permanent residence application

    Hello, i have a similar case. We recieved our first stage approval on June 4th, 2009 and medical were recieved on Dec 22nd 2009, but when i checked the status at the cic website , there was no decision made yet, it said "in process", so im kinda worried why its takeing so long. When i called the...
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    hello The canadian government is currently holding our passports as we applied for refugee status. we are now under humanitarian status and were approved to apply for PR. Currently we are wating for our PR approval. My question is, is it possible for us to travel without our passports? that is...
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    waiting for an interview!!

    thank you. but what do u mean they waived the interview? how did you get your permenant resident card?
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    waiting for an interview!!

    hello we have been approved for applying for permenant residence frm within canada at the end of June 2009...and in Sep 2009 weve been asked through a letter to bring police certificates and finger prints, etc. and i was wondering if anyone here has gone through a similar case or knew how long...