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  1. S

    having problems with working visa from inside canada!

    once again thank you! kind regards! Smith
  2. S

    how could i apply for a working holiday visa now that i am already in canada?

    we have now discovered that it is not a temporary working permit that we neeed but now we need a working holiday permit! we are both already in canada and are both bamboozled by the fact of how to apply for one IN the country or for therefore, activate the holiday visa! please help! regards! Smith
  3. S

    having problems with working visa from inside canada!

    thank you both for your time, you've been a great help, but we have soon realised that the temporary working visa may not be what we are looking for but instead the working holiday visa!!! could anyone give us any help on this!
  4. S

    having problems with working visa from inside canada!

    Me and my girl friend have both come over from the UK and we were lead to believe that you needed an employer before you could get your temporary working visa! We went through all the checks and we passed everything but now we're in Canada and don't know what to do! i have a very good job...