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  1. Y


    Hi there: My employer wants to love to Canada, because the father if her kids lives in Seattle and wants to know what would she beeds for the residence. She's diplomatic working for the united Nations here in Tehran for now. I would apreciate some information or Something that helps. Thanks a lot!
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    Deported 5 years ago ...

    Hi there: I was deported from Canada in Aprio 1rst. 2009 and is gonna be 5 years since. I have a friend that had the same problem and she applied for single visitor visa and she could get into Canadá again but, she didn't need to pay any fine, in my case get say yes you need to pay your fine...
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    Somebody help me?

    Hi there : My name is Yanet from Mexico and i was removed from Canada 10 months ago because i was illegal. Somebody knows if in a future i want to visit another country : Do u think that i could have a problem with immigration to the entrance from the another country? If i try to get my...
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    I need some help about deport ...

    Thanks for the answer. The 1500 CND is the money that we have to pay to Canada(they spend in tickets and i don´t know what else). Thank u!
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    I need some help about deport ...

    Hi there! My name is Yanet from Mexico. I was deported from Canada in the end of March 2009. We were 4 people that they got it. The immigration officer said that we didn´t have a criminal record, just was for staying longer time, so ... our punishment is 1 year we can not back to Canada but we...