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  1. S

    Seneca college applicants

    in which course are you going their requirements and fee.. i'm AccA student7/14 before passed CAT but my basic education is 10..any chances ?
  2. S

    ACCA LSBF--Bank Statement...DD or Term deposit Certificate ?

    ya,i send email to few uni's in canda.lets c...also fee are sky high in candian uni
  3. S

    ACCA LSBF--Bank Statement...DD or Term deposit Certificate ?

    hmm..unnecessary delay 30,35 weeks instead of 11..ah what do you recommend..should i apply in Lsbf AcCA or should select some other course,if available on the basis of 10,lol ? and what is your fb ?
  4. S

    ACCA LSBF--Bank Statement...DD or Term deposit Certificate ?

    how many papers have you been passed and is it necessary to have minimum 6 papers if a student left less than 6 papers than>? did you appear in june session ? or before receiving any reply from embassy you can't appear in exams to satisfy mini 6 papers requirement ?
  5. S

    ACCA LSBF--Bank Statement...DD or Term deposit Certificate ?

    did you applied in some course/institute ? or what 's plan ?
  6. S

    ACCA LSBF--Bank Statement...DD or Term deposit Certificate ?

    bsic education is just 10 Cat 7/9 than transfer to AccA AccA 7/14 passed am i eligible to apply some course at Uni of Otawa ? if yes,please help me in selecting some accounting course,it would be great help,Thanks!
  7. S

    ACCA LSBF--Bank Statement...DD or Term deposit Certificate ?

    1- i read on cic site that 4 months bank statements..than 1 month? 2- which university do offer acca ?? 3-bank statement,DD or Term deposit ???
  8. S

    ACCA LSBF--Bank Statement...DD or Term deposit Certificate ?

    Hello Guys Confusionnnn...i wanna apply for FEB 13 ACCA at LSBF how much to show in bank statement and how long it should? some says 4-6months and some asks 3 months on the other side lsbf asks that make DD in convertible currency OR make Term deposit certificate? which one is preferable...