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  1. A

    University of Regina Winter 2013

    not accepted :(
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    University of Regina Winter 2013

    Guys my status changed :it's returned and pending for the final review......wat should I expect a a acceptance or rejection....I hv applied for meng petroleum.
  3. A

    University of Regina Winter 2013

    hi I have also applied for Meng(project) pet system in winter 2013 . regards Abbas haider
  4. A

    University of Regina applicant........please come here and add your profile..

    Hi everyone, I hv applied for MENG(project) in Petroleum system in UoR for winter 2013... ihave some Q? 1. I hv done BE in mechanical wat r my chances getting admission in PET systems 2. how long will it take to get the final response frm UoR 3. how to apply for Visa( do i need to apply via...