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  1. winchside

    Supplementary Information - IMM5562

    Hi all - I have just realised I now need to include the 5562 with my application, and have a question. Do you think I should include day trips to France? These were all shopping trips of a few hours - out from Dover in the morning, back the same afternoon/evening.... thanks
  2. winchside

    Question on country abbreviations

    Is it okay to use the abbreviation UK for the country, or should one use United Kingdom (or just England)? winch
  3. winchside

    IMM008 Schedule 1 Question 12

    I apologize in advance if this has been asked before, but I haven't been able to find this exact information. Question 12 says to list all organizations one has supported, been a member of, or associated with - can anyone tell me if this includes donations to charities, and membership of...