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  1. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Thanks YuraP.
  2. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Another quick one: Will the VO ask for passport (PPR2 I guess) even if the applicant is from a visa exempt country? http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2011/ob348a.asp has some information but some first/second hand experience will help :-) Thanks
  3. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    I'm in the same boat but I don't have a definitive answer. I vaguley remember reading something about exchange. <does some googling> Ah found this... https://www.gov.uk/living-in-canada
  4. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Just wondering what happens if one is unable to land before medical certificate expires. Will this apply http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/tools/medic/assess/cert.asp ? Or will it require another medical test? Cheers B
  5. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi all, Yesterday I received an email from CHC london saying: -Please provide the following information for yourself and each dependent: · Name and date of birth as they appear in your passport · Passport number · Passport expiry date · Height (in cm) ·...
  6. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    I assume that you've tried fsw.oopnp with no success. I've been using the same, addressing the person who emailed me the ref no. (I call her the case worker). later I received one from first_name.last_name@ontario.ca
  7. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    I was contacted only once regarding the blank pages of my passport (which I scanned and emailed). Don't know if they contacted HR for employment verification.
  8. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    @rp_tp: I somehow had my case worker's id. I don't think there is any harm in trying the one you have. Worst case you won't get a reply.
  9. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    @rp_tp: Why don't you try emailing the case worker (you probably already have, in which case please ignore me :)). I did that and was told about the approval of my application (probably a week) before DHL delivered the package.
  10. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    @rp_tp: thanks. IELTS:8, exp:11+years, Ties_to_O:yes, ref:12013** HTH
  11. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    > just received my nomination certificate and letter [...] COPY me too :-) and yes it says COPY as well. FWIW, Noc 2173, UK
  12. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Thanks for the replies. @ luluyu: Did you send the copies of entire passports of your dependents? Or is it required just for the main applicant? @ rp_tp: I take your point but I don't want to waste gazillions of £s on getting stuff certified unless it's absolutely necessary. cheers
  13. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    @rp_tp: Thanks mate. Hmm, interesting. Well the email said: - Copy of your entire passport (including blank pages, Work Permits, Study Permits, Temporary Resident Visas, and/or any other Canadian immigration documents or entry stamps) which I believe is text copied from the application guide...
  14. gillbs

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Folks, I received an ACK email today (with File no etc.) but unfortunately my application is not complete. It seems I overlooked that a copy of all the empty pages of my passport was required as well :-) (now why would you need that, I wonder). So AIUI, I need to send a copy (as opposed...