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  1. K


    They probably are doing Background check, they might have started it and will take 2-5 months but you need to be in touch with them through your MP. i am December 2010 Applicant and did my medical in july 2011, PC was requested in October 2011 and didn't hear anything until May 2012. When i...
  2. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    I hope too, last time i contacted MP was after sending an email to Cathrine at Buffalo it was 8th of May, on the next day i asked me MP to step in the case... MP office get back to me on 28th of May telling me the file has already transfered to Ottawa and they will do my background check.. I got...
  3. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Last time i contacted MP, they told me my file is already transfered to Ottawa regarding Medical expiry they said for inland residence CIC most likely extend the expiry in any case they let us know whether or not they are extending the expiry date of Medical.
  4. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Sorry the most recent notes are regarding file transfer. However the most recent activities are regarding my wife's security clearance..
  5. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Last notes were related to my wife's security clearance, i didn't provide consent form of my wife so the GCMS doesn't provide any details related to my wife's PR activities, that's why requested another GCMS notes with Consent form to have better idea.
  6. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    yes they say the file is under review since May 16th, got my GCMS on 6th June... didn't see any review activity on it.. i have requested another GCMS which i will probably get in first week of August..
  7. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Hi Sharruu, My file was transfered to Ottawa on 16th of May, so on 16th of July it will be two months being transfered there plus my medical is going to expire on 18th, fingers crossed!! wish me luck guys its freeking me out..
  8. K

    Change of employer while PR (ontario PNP) in process

    Thanks for reply Jagga, what i have researched so far Ontarion PNP regardless of their stream are not asked for proof of employement when passport is requested however if PNP is from Alberta or BC then VO office asks for employment proof when asked for passport. I don't know why its taking too...
  9. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Under which PNP stream you applied? Are you Ontario nominated?
  10. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    If you are PNP then you can get closed work permit based on PNP certificate, so don't worry about the work permit you will get in 7 working days when you apply for it online.. for passports i think its doesn't matter whether or not the renewable passport is machine readable or manual as long as...
  11. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Thanks Sharuu for the reply, but i already have waited three months, Due date on my GCMS is already passed and my medical is going to expire in next week too but still no news on PR.. wait is killing me man.. i can't take stress of work as well of PR.. I know Alberta and BC applicants are asked...
  12. K

    Change of employer while PR (ontario PNP) in process

    Folks, I am PNP Applicant, and i have done my medical last year in June. I am waiting for my PR, i am really sick and tired with current employer but i heard i have to stay with employer until i get my PR. I was nominated by Ontario in October 2010, I applied under International Student with...
  13. K

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Folks, I am PNP Applicant, and i have done my medical last year in June. I am waiting for my PR, i am really sick and tired with current employer but i heard i have to stay with employer until i get my PR. I was nominated by Ontario in October 2010, I applied under International Student with...