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  1. V

    Education verification problems

    I am an Ecuadorian but I studied in USSR, and my institute seems to disappeared... I was wondering what are they going to do if they will not get anything, any confirmation... Archives in Russia, could be another problem...
  2. V

    Education verification problems

    Hey, people. What the Canadians will do if they are unable to verify the education, for example: in Russia, many former Soviet universities do not exist. Should have I asked first if they verify the education at all, and, if they do, how serious? Thanx in advance.
  3. V

    USA - Canada criminal record connection

    Thanks. You maybe asked..? Is this a theoretical possibility or there are any confirmed cases of immigrants being fingerprinted?
  4. V

    USA - Canada criminal record connection

    Thanks for responding... Yes I know that FBI only checks your record by prints. But still interested if anyone knows - do the Canadians fingerprint you at some point, assuming you don't get in trouble with law... Thanks again.
  5. V

    USA - Canada criminal record connection

    Hello every1. Thanks in advance for answering this tricky question, rather questions... 1). During the whole process of immigrating - from entering the country to becoming a citizen - let's say under skilled worker category, do they (Canadian Immigration) fingerprint you? 2). If they do or when...