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  1. I

    Likelihood of obtaining temporary resident visa

    my point was if you wantt o marry someone here, don't even bother saying your "fiancee" wants to visit you. YOU WONT GET IT. so they force you to lie. but we didnt lie as much as created a different reason for her to come here.
  2. I

    Likelihood of obtaining temporary resident visa

    all i know is my spouse got their visa to visit their cousin for 2 months with 1. no job, 2. no schooling. 3. no ties to their country. 4. 25 years old. and 5. $only $1,300 in the bank. all the things reasons everyone said she wouldnt get it, but she did. so all im saying is you might as well...
  3. I

    Likelihood of obtaining temporary resident visa

    GOOD NEWS to all applying for a TEMP RESIDENT VISA FOR thier fiancée i just wanted to share our great story! Im canadian and my wife is lebanese. we were in a long distance dating for over a year when we decided to get married here in Toronto and live here together, but we didnt think she woudl...