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  1. midwifemia

    UK Passport Renewal & New Passport for Baby

    Apologies, should have clarified that I am a British expat living in Alberta and who got PR Family Class through my Canadian partner. Thought there might be some other British expats here who have also had children over here and have been through the same. But hey, I'll go elsewhere if no one...
  2. midwifemia

    UK Passport Renewal & New Passport for Baby

    Hello, My British passport expired at the end of March, but I was 36 weeks pregnant and unable to travel anyway so have not yet got round to renewing it. My daughter was born here in Alberta at the end of April and I would now like to apply for a British passport for her. Does anyone know if it...
  3. midwifemia

    Landing at Niagara Falls

    Thought I'd give you my own landing experience, as written on my blog. This is based on nothing more than my own personal experience, opinions and biases; I want to make this perfectly clear. "On 1st May Isaac & I drove down, through what can only be described as England-style traffic, to the...
  4. midwifemia

    Landing at Niagara Falls

    Thanks for this - I plan to land tomorrow at Niagara (I'm living about 2 hours north of Toronto at the moment so it's the closest port of entry for me) so it was nice to get an idea of what to expect! Hope all is going well for you now you're all official ;)
  5. midwifemia

    "Decision Made" on e-cas

    Got an email this morning saying: The attached document is a request for my passport and 2 photos - so how have people found is the best way to send things to the London office? Courier I'd assume, but should I try to sort out a return courier envelope too? Any preferences on courier? Thanks...
  6. midwifemia

    "Decision Made" on e-cas

    So now it's my turn. :o I just checked e-CAS and found 'Decision Made' blinking back at me. I'm so nervous/excited/nervous/terrified! I've not had a passport request yet - I was expecting something by email as I'm being processed at the London office but maybe it'll be a letter instead? Is it...
  7. midwifemia

    Just for fun

    What a lot of lovely stories! I got divorced in 2005 and after a couple of very difficult years decided in 2007 that I needed a break from everything. My very good friend was leaving the UK to go back home to Canada to get married and told me I should follow her, so I started looking into it...
  8. midwifemia

    would 2 months traveling/backpacking together interupt our common law status?

    Pretty much our whole year being common-law is based on us travelling/backpacking so I hope not!
  9. midwifemia

    Processing time for common law-partnership? And LMO help?

    Hi Simon, Firstly just to let you know you'll find out more about common-law partner sponsorship over at http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/family-class-sponsorship-b5.0/ Secondly, I'm also English with a Canadian boyfriend and we've recently applied for common-law...
  10. midwifemia


    I'm also applying via London (since I'm British) and I am currently in Canada on a visitor's visa while I wait out the process. When we flew out here from England, I had bought a cheap ticket from Air Transat (only £180!) for the return journey a couple of days short of my 6 months being up. I'm...
  11. midwifemia

    Thread for applications sent December 2009!!!

    Congratulations Corofino - I'm so happy for you! Oh for such a swift resolution for all of us...
  12. midwifemia

    When will I know if we meet the criteria for common-law?

    We just got sponsorship approval from CPC-M and my application has now been forwarded to the London office. I have been aware from the start of this that the only area of contention in our application is that although we have lived together consecutively over the past year, it was while we...
  13. midwifemia

    How soon after marriage/common law does one get benefits?

    I spoke to the OHIP office when my boyfriend was renewing his health card and they said I could apply for Ontario health care as soon as I get a letter from the CIC saying that 'you are eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada'. They said that you will usually get a letter at some...
  14. midwifemia

    Thread for applications sent December 2009!!!

    Got the sponsorship approval letter today. So happy! And now the real waiting begins... Any news on your application catchvb?
  15. midwifemia

    Thread for applications sent December 2009!!!

    I just got a 'decision made' too! :D
  16. midwifemia

    using stapler for forms

    I only used paper clips just to be on the safe side, but then when my application was returned to me (for a different reason) it had been stapled into sections by the CIC-M! So I wouldn't worry too much, it's unlikely to be a deal breaker... :)
  17. midwifemia

    Medicals: What did YOU send in? Yes, Appendix C? But what about "Section A"?

    Yes DON'T send a photocopy, make sure you send the original! I just had my entire application returned to me after a month because I'd misread 'copy 2 of Section A' and thought it meant a copy of.
  18. midwifemia

    Thread for applications sent December 2009!!!

    Thanks for that catchvb, that's reassuring at least. I've sent it back already, Priority Post this time so it'll arrive first thing Monday morning, so here's hoping! Anyone have any experiences of London processing times at the moment?
  19. midwifemia

    Thread for applications sent December 2009!!!

    From the CPC-M, so it really is back to square one. And guess what? I've just found my passport photos that were 'missing' - someone had tucked them inside the envelope with all the photos I supplied as evidence of our relationship. Sheesh. At least I don't have to have them re-done then!