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  1. P


    Hi folks... Just popping in to let you all know that hubby arrived safe and sound on Wednesday night... Funniest thing...I was running sort of late...his flight was scheduled to land early...it was on time but traffic out of downtown TO was busy...so I get there and being pregnant, have to pee...
  2. P


    Longdistance - CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for you! 4 years is a crazy long wait --- I can only imagine the excitement you have brewing inside you! Soso --- you pregnant girl? Congratulations!!!!!!!! I too had the 'all day sickness'...mine left right around the 12 week mark so hopefully...
  3. P


    Tis me Helpmeplease... My countdown has turned to only one more sleep and less than 24 hours :) Hubby lands tomorrow evening!!! I've been peeking on and noticed it was quiet here... I remember those days on here...when KG goes a bit quiet so does the gang... But quiet and calm only means...
  4. P


    Hello everyone... Just wanted to give a wee shout out to Faith and Helpme...what an exciting day for you both. Faith --- I know you've waited a LONG LONG time for this special day...and I'm so happy for you and your hubby and your little boy that today has finally arrived --- yippee!!! So...
  5. P


    Thank you all for the kind wishes. Maple - your message brought tears to my eyes. I just want you to know, that while my file was almost 14 months (next Friday) - every time I was down and out over the past 6 months I would think about you...and what you were enduring with such grace and...
  6. P


    Maple - I was so very happy to read your great news! Congratulations - you deserve it SOOOOOOOOOOOO much :D I truly hope they issue your hubby's redo forms quickly and process him out of there and home before the May 2-4. Just so so happy for you. And my last big update to share...in only...
  7. P


    Ladies and gents...(won't name all at the risk of leaving anyone out and offending) I do sincerely wish to thank all of you that I have spent time with over the past many months on here. While I know I went quiet awhile back, I have often checked in to see how the gang was doing. I am glad to...
  8. P


    FAITH - SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!! Congratulations. You have been on my mind a ton. I'm glad you and your hubby are finally going to be together in Canada. MAPLE - Happy Anniversary girl. More than anyone you deserve to see this all come to an end and be reunited with your hubby. You...
  9. P


    Mizzy --- congratulations :D :D :D ...such a long wait...so well deserved. I am so happy for you. I told you folks...us old timers from 08 are moving on...it's finally our time. Hubby and I keep celebrating each and every person's good news. Last week LCW...this week Mizzy. My hubby...
  10. P


    Won't be LONELY much longer WIFEY :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I have chills. I have tears in my eyes for you Lonely. I am so freakin happy for you. All you 2008 ladies --- see IT IS OUR TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Lonely! May the Passport Calls keep coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. P


    Aww...you guys are all just great. Thank you so much for the kind wishes. Hubby and I are very excited and continue to stay strong and positive that he will get his call soon. I can feel it. And I think the same will be coming for many of us who are LONG overdue. LCW - that email sounds...
  12. P


    Greetings ladies and gents. I peek in on you guys now and then hoping to see updates - especially for those who have passed the one year mark like me. I too am waiting for word after medical and police re-dos. Hubby went back to JA at the beginning of January and is already anxious to get the...
  13. P


    Greetings to all :) I trust everyone is keeping well - as well as can be expected with so much waiting... Well - hubby arrived on December 1 so it's been a few weeks now and he is getting used to Canada...sort of...just the cold he doesn't much care for, but otherwise loves this 'pretty...
  14. P

    Staying Positive - a Few Questions for PR Processing for Kingston, Jamaica

    This site became my salvation tonight. I've been searching and reading all evening and though a 'newbie' I have a few questions I couldn't find specific comments on. I sense I may spend a bit of time here while I continue to wait for my husband...so if you have any experience you can share...