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  1. I

    Border Crossing Together For Vacation

    She is flying to Michigan where I live and visiting for a few days. Then we're driving together up to Ottawa for six days to visit friends. Then driving back to Michigan for a week and she'll be flying back to BC from Michigan.
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    Border Crossing Together For Vacation

    My spouse and I got married last year. She is from BC and I'm from Michigan. She is going to visit me next month to work on our paperwork to file and send at the end of her visit. During her visit we're planning to drive to Ottawa to visit friends. Visit is 6 days/5 nights and we've got a...
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    US Police Certificate Question

    Could someone please delete this? Found my answer.
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    Relationship Proof Email & Text Questions

    1) Is it okay white out a part of an email and then photocopy it and submit it? Or to draw through part with a black marker? There are some emails that are great relationship proof, however they have a paragraph that would be better not to share, such as plans to move to a different province...
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    Disclose Plans or Not???

    Thank you! I appreciate and will be sure that we don't allude to it and that none of our friends or family do in their letters either.
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    Creatanine Test

    Recently had my medical exam and it went really well, except for my blood pressure. I get nervous when I have it taken and combined with the stress of having the exam, my BP was too high. They had me do the Creatanine blood test. How long after the test, did anyone who had a problem hear that...
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    Disclose Plans or Not???

    My spouse lives and works in BC and I live in Michigan. When I'm approved, we're planning to move to Ontario so that we're closer to my family and can live in a less expensive area than where she's from. Her job won't transfer, but we've got about 10K put away for living expenses while we get...
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    More Medical Exam Questions

    Thank you! The checklist was a huge help! I appreciate :)
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    More Medical Exam Questions

    I edited my original post because I think my wording was confusing :)
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    Email Proof of Relationship Problem

    - I'll ask her when she gets home from work tonight. That's a good idea. Thanks! - Thank you. I appreciate!
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    Email Proof of Relationship Problem

    We're printing out emails for our packet and have hit a snag. My fiance's email account only holds a limited amount, so she'd saved my thousands of emails over the years on her computer. When she opened them up to print, the only thing that is printing is the body and not the header with the...
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    More Medical Exam Questions

    At the medical exam will I need my regular doctor's contact information with me? Do I need to bring copies of my prescriptions with me? Are there gynecological questions and do they ask or care about how recently your last examination was?
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    Eloping Now, Formal Celebration Next Year

    Thank you, I hope my father recovers as well. I'm a US citizen and my fiance and I met in 2004 and became romantically involved in 2005, so I think that given the length of our relationship, it will hopefully not be too difficult. We're eloping in a chapel rather than city hall and fixing up...
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    Eloping Now, Formal Celebration Next Year

    My fiance and I have a big wedding and reception planned for early next year and have already made a deposit on and have contracts for the venue, photographer, videographer, etc from several months ago. Recently, my father diagnosed with a cancer that has a poor survival rate and he's indicated...
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    Several Photo Questions

    Thank you all! This is very helpful!!! I appreciate :)
  16. I

    Several Photo Questions

    Because there are several, I've numbered them. 1) Looking at the Canadian Immigration Information, they want our photos to be loose. I'd planned to print them on a page with information underneath each one, but it sounds like that's not what they want. Should write on the back of them...
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    Medical Exam Worries - Overweight

    Thank you, Rob! I'm still going to keep working on the weight loss, but that makes things a bit less stressful! :)
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    Medical Exam Worries - Overweight

    My medical exam is tentatively scheduled for May, just after my fiance and I are eloping; and I'm worried about passing it because I'm overweight. Not just 20lbs overweight, but quite a bit. I've been dieting and exercising and have made a lot of improvement, but I'll still be overweight when...
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    Taking pictures of text messages

    Appreciate the tip, didn't work but it was worth a shot :) Mine is a weird cheapie Samsung that doesn't seem to have any apps that do that, but I'll keep my eyes peeled and try emailing my Alltel service provider to see if they've got any apps for my phone that might work :)
  20. I

    Card from flowers after a fight, include or not?

    We're roughly 3.5 years age difference. Met online, but our relationship proof is pretty strong, we've been together for roughly seven years. We've got emails, trips together, texts, have stayed with each other's families on visits, trip itineraries, plane ticket stubs, and spend roughly 8...