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  1. A

    Help !!! Urgent oath ceremony iis tuesday!!

    you can check location from this website http://www.cic.gc.ca/citcer/search-recherche-eng.aspx or call helpline and don't worry about the letter which is still not received , just take print of ecas and you will be fine thanks
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    5.We sent you a notice on September 7, 2015 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on September 25, 2015 at 10:00 AM. The notice you will receive will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the...
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    yes u looks so close , its matter of days for u
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    hello khebra , can u please tell me , your wife applied in start of SEP or end?? I received finger printing request on test day, my time line application received - 29 Sep 2014 Lot - Dec 2014 Test - 18 June 2015 - also got finger printing request Ecas changed to Decision made - 8 July...
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    congrats HHA can you please tell me when did you applied , i mean which month of 2014 you applied for your citizenship? thanks
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    these day july 2014 are getting oaths , sep 2014 may get there oaths in coming weeks
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Thanks for sharing
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Thanks for sharing this very important update
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Oath date depends upon ur application received date not test date
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    thanks for sharing
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    they are sending oath letters according application received date , not according to test date or decision made date , these days applicant of may 2014 are getting their oaths , thanks
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    no change in lines inside , only change from IN PROCESS to DECEISION MADE
  13. A

    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    finally some news for me , my status changed to Decision Made my time line application received - 29 Sep 2014 Lot - Dec 2014 Test - 18 June 2015 - also got finger printing request Ecas changed to Decision made - 8 July 2015 waiting for oath
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    yes civic u r rite , people r getting oath request according to their application received date not test date
  15. A

    Fingerprint request on citizenship test day!!(cic- calgary)

    Hello sanny I passed my test on 18 June but officer gave me finger print request (letter was typed and dated 10 June) My application details Application received - 29 sep 2014 lOT - 18 dec 2014 Test passed and got finger print request- 18 jun 2015 Office - Calgary Sanny what Ecas shows -...
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    Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?

    Thanks UOC , I also don't know y they request for finger print request
  17. A

    Test passed but got finger print letter

    Canbest thanks for reply , in my application I have my 6 year old daughter included with me , total 2 people me and my daughter, please be in contact if u received any info let me know Erjopa cic will give u finger print letter and u will take letter to agency where fingerprint is done
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    Test passed but got finger print letter

    thanks ar_fabrics & thecoolguysam , I did finger prints in L1- identity solutions , my finger prints were taken digitally and was transferred to RCMP on the spot , so as soon as I received any kind of letter from RCMP I will contact CIC and agency as well thanks for help thecoolguysam can u...
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    Test passed but got finger print letter

    Thanks for reply ,From test centre I went straight to place where digital finger prints are done , I did digital finger print and soft copy of my prints are sent to RCMP by that office , now let's what happens next
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    Test passed but got finger print letter

    Hello I passed my test today but officer gave me finger print request (letter was typed and dated 10 June) Now my questions are Is my application non routine now ? How long it takes for RSMP to send result to cic ? My application details Application received - 29 sep 2014 lOT - 18 dec 2014...