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  1. T

    No AOR after 9 weeks...

    Hi, my mistake was to certify the document. I looked for Commissioner of Oath, Notary Public, or Justis of Peace in my area on internet and the town hall came up as a Comissioner of Oath. So I went there and got my documents certified. But it wasn't enough for CIC and I needed to go to Notary...
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    No AOR after 9 weeks...

    Yes, my application was returened to me because I made some mistake...
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    NEED HELP!!! PR application returned and work permit expires soon...

    Please anybody help us... I just got an idea, is it better to let work permit expired and wait until LMO aproved then apply new work permit with restration? Is it ok to do nothing after my current work permit expired? Do I get a 90 days grace period for this situation?? Or do I need to get...
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    NEED HELP!!! PR application returned and work permit expires soon...

    I mean our current work permit will expire on 30th July, not this mounth...
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    No AOR after 9 weeks...

    Hi backendcode, Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, our application is back as incompeted... I corect the problem and re-sent it today, but I need to go for different way to extend my stay now. I hope you will get an AOR soon, I called CIC and the agent said they take 8-10 weeks to review...
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    NEED HELP!!! PR application returned and work permit expires soon...

    Hi all... Here is my situation right now, and I hope some of the expert member can help us. I applied to FST and wanted to apply for OBWP, but my application is returned as an incompleted... We correct the mistake and sent it again today. But our(me and my wife+dependent kids) work permits...
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    No AOR after 9 weeks...

    Hi all, I applied under Federal Skilled trades program and CIC got it April 25th 2014. CC still haven't chearged yet so far, and that means no AOR... I saw lots of people in this forum under other category (FSW or CEC) already got their AOR even after they applied in May! I'm happy for other...
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    Skilled Trades requirement

    Hi carobbermuda, Do you mean your husbund applying under the Skilled trades category? If so, your husband must have certificate from the province in Canada OR job offer, and 2 years of full time experience in past 5 years. For more information, here is the requirement for skilled trades...
  9. T

    Applicants for Skilled trades program (FSTP) 2014 within Canada??

    Hi all, I post a same topic in Skilled Worker / Professional Immigration forum, but nobody replied to me... Is there anybody applied under FSTP?? I know it's not a popular category, but I'm hoping to find somebody to share the timeline or experience. My application was delivered at CIC on...
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    How long after you sent your application did you got your AOR??

    Hi all, I sent my Application under Federal Skilled trades program(FSTP), and CIC got it on April 25th. So it's been 7 weeks now, but there is no contact or fee charged on credit card. But some of the people here applied in beginning of May under defferent category (such as FSW or CEC) got AOR...
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    Applicants for Skilled trades program (FSTP) 2014 within Canada

    Any body?? It's been 6 weeks since our application delivered to CIC but no news so far...
  12. T

    Applicants for Skilled trades program (FSTP) 2014 within Canada

    Hi, is there anybody who applied for Skilled trades program 2014?? We sent our application last month and waiting for reply from CIC. Does anyboby know how long CIC will take to get first contact after they receive application?? Please share your timeline / experience please!! Thanks!!
  13. T

    How did you pay the RPRF with application?

    Thanks guys! I think I was misunderstanding that they said "We currently do not accept online payments for the Federal Skilled Trades Program. " Is this mean they not accepting the processing fee by online, right??
  14. T

    How did you pay the RPRF with application?

    Hi all, We are almost ready to send an application but we got a question about the fee payment. Under our category, CIC website says they strongly reccommended to pay the RPRF with Processing fee to avoid extra processing time, but there is no form for this. And normal Fee Payment Form...
  15. T

    Does anyone know the cap for federal skilled trade program has reached?

    Hi guys thank you for your response! @ canadavisa13 Oh, are they re-opening next month?? I read the "Visa year" for Skilled trade program until April 30 2013, so I thought they will reopen it after that. Can I ask you where did you find the information?? Thank you! @ scylla I read the link...
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    Does anyone know the cap for federal skilled trade program has reached?

    As I mentioned on the Title... Does anyone know it?? I tried to find it, but couldn't... And if it's already closed, does it reopen on May 2014??
  17. T

    Which visa office to choose?

    Hi BC2013, thanks again for your comment. I just found that tread today and was reading thru whole morning(I still on the page 17 though!) It looks really slow in Vienna office... And sounds very quick in CPP-O! I'm sure every case is different, but it make us consider more to choose CPP-O...
  18. T

    Which visa office to choose?

    Thank you again for your advice, canuck_in_uk. That's what we understand from the CIC website, but I thought misundestanding again. We're still not sure which one we'll choose, but my husband is more keen for Vienna... Is anyone can tell us either bad or good side of both Vienna(I mean the...
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    Which visa office to choose?

    Hi deadsea02 and BC2013, thank you for your comment. But the comment of deadsea02 makes me little bit confused... Do we need to CHOOSE CPP-O to apply for OBWP?? We can't apply for it if we choose Vienna office?
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    Which visa office to choose?

    Hi canuck_in_uk, thank you for the great advice! That's great to know!! But...just checked CIC site and Ottawa's process time is longer than Vienna at the moment.... We'll check it again when we have all the documents and ready to send them off!