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  1. N

    Buffalo closed...where did all files go?

    Hi jes... Thank you. I figured that because I have written Buffalo and have had no response (I´ve written them before and got a reply in 2 or 3 days). The web site indicates that the Buffalo office is closed completely. So I thought thay just closed and left everything to Ottawa. I do take your...
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    Buffalo closed...where did all files go?

    Hi all, I have 2 questions. 1- Since Buffalo is now closed...does anyone know for sure where did all applications go? Has anyone gotten an email or notification indicating this? I am a APR2011 applicant I have not gotten anything from Buffalo (except medicals OK in OCT2011), can I assume it...
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    No response from Buffalo

    Hello all, Seniors, pls help. APR 2011 - Applied under CEC and left Canada a month later. OCT 2011 - Medicals done DEC 2011 - FBI cert. requested MAR 2012 - Buffalo recieves FBI cert. MAY 2012 - Buffalo asks via email "send your FBI record" -I immediately responded..."Already sent to Buffalo"...
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    CEC - Help required FBI certificate & Employment letter

    If you can enter the US it might be easier and faster to go personaly and get the Police certificates. If you don´t then here is what I did to get them. Fingerprint Service The American Citizen Services Unit can provide fingerprint services in certain circumstances. To determine if this...
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    FBI record & waiting times

    Yes, the incident came out in the report. It is dated 1990. CIC has not sent any information yet. Our status is still "in process". I assume they will always keep contacting me via email right? Thanx!
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    PR issued!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello CEC2011!!! First off...congratulations on your PR!!! great news for you!! ;) I would like to get your lawyer´s information if possible. I see you applied in JUN 2011 to the Buffalo office and already have you PR! I applied on APR2011 to Buffalo as well, but still don´t have the final OK...
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    Waiting time after FBI recieved by CIC

    Hi, Does anyone know how long it takes to get a final decision from CIC after they have recieved the FBI record? It was the last document they requested. Will I recieve a letter or an email from Buffalo? And what steps should we expect? all the best! Nepo.
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    Received Passport Request from Buffalo - Question Regarding the instructions

    Hi, In my case we sent our application in April 2011 to Buffalo since we were in Canada back then, later on the first reply from CIC (5 months later) they advised us our application went to Ottawa (CPP-O)...but all emails just keep coming from Buffalo still...so I don´t know where our...
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    Gracias Señoritabella!! I did mention in our application that I lived in the US for 3 years as a teenager with the full information on dates, address and studies. I don´t recall indicating I had been in that specific situation in 1990 as I never considered that a crime, in my view we were just...
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    Hello all, I have a similar question. I was held in custody by US immigration in 1990 while attempting to cross the border, never deported. Just left the US voluntarely 3 years later after going to court, the judge kept giving us extentions to remain in the US legaly. My FBI record came with...
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    FBI record & waiting times

    Hello all, If anyone can give me assistance with the following doubts I would be very greatful! My family and I lived in Ontario for 3 years on a work permit. My younger daughet was born in Canada (she has a Canadian Passport). We applied for CEC in Apr 2011 before we left the country, all...