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Search results

  1. K

    PR through CEC

    Hi All, I am a Specialist Physician currently practising in Canada and in the process of applying to PR through Canadian Experience Class scheme. I work as a contractor with a health authority and I am enumerated through OHIP Billing and sessional fees. I spoke to an Immigration Consultant who...
  2. K

    Medical Exam

    I have applied for a work permit online and today received a request for a medical exam although I did submit a medical exam which I completed in December 2019, unfortunately they did not elaborate and say why they are requesting yet another medical exam? Has anyone come across anything...
  3. K

    IMM 5707 QUERY

    Dear All, I'm completing form IMM 5707; I am divorced, do I have to write my ex-wife's name and details under Spouse/common partner or leave it blank? I am also confused about the signature bit which the form does not allow you to complete electronically, So do I have to print it off, sign and...
  4. K


    I'm a British citizen, previously obtained a work permit myself at the border, however this does not seem to be possible at present!
  5. K


    Dear All, I am wondering if anyone can help me, I am in the process of completing an Application for a 'work permit from outside Canada' - IMM 1295 I created an account and after completing the questionnaire, it determined that I am a 'foreign worker - international mobility program' which...
  6. K


    Dear All, I would like to connect with an Immigration law representative for a paid advice regarding applications for work permit, biometrics, etc.... If anyone is happy to assist, please send me a private message. Many thanks, A
  7. K

    BOWP Biometric locations

    Many thanks for the clarification
  8. K

    BOWP Biometric locations

    Thanks for the clarification, does the same apply for Work Permit applications from outside of Canada for LMIA Positive cases?
  9. K


    Dear All, I'm a British medical Specialist, I have finally had a Positive LMIA, which is great news. My understanding is that since the borders are still closed, no work permits will be processed at any of the ports of entry. VFS Global which is a company in London that processes Biometrics...
  10. K

    TFW application refused after LMIA was approved

  11. K

    Work permit and other queries

    Thanks, so maybe its better to wait until the borders are open and then obtain it at the airport
  12. K

    Work permit and other queries

    Thank you for your response; I wonder how long it would take though...
  13. K

    Work permit and other queries

    Thanks for getting back to me, Do you mean that my application could be processed at the Toronto Airport?
  14. K

    Work permit and other queries

    Dear All, I'm a Specialist Physician and currently awaiting the outcome of my LMIA application; I am based in the UK I have 2 questions, which I would appreciate if someone could help clarify please: 1. Does my employer need to provide me with a 'Job Contract' and a 'Job Offer Letter', I mean...
  15. K

    LMIA Query

    Specialist Physician
  16. K


    Dear All, Need some advice please; my employer applied for an LMIA on 19/2/20; got rejected due to a trivial error on the application form; the form was resubmitted on 14/4/20. My questions are as follows: Can my employer contact ESDC Canada and enquire about the progress of the application...
  17. K

    LMIA Query

    Hi All, Need some advice please. My Canadian employer submitted an application for an LMIA on the 19th of February 2020; 7 weeks later the ESDC returned the application form due to a minor error. ESDC agreed for them to amend the error and resubmit the form given the current circumstances...
  18. K


    Thank you very much
  19. K


    Can someone please help clarify this issue for me please. My Employer has applied for an LMIA in February which was returned/rejected 7 weeks later for a very trivial error on the form. My question is: In the rejection letter, would IRCC clarify if a new application is warranted or that...
  20. K


    Many thanks for getting back to me, judging by the email I received, it seems that the employer were contacted albeit by post to correct the minor error.