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  1. S

    Interview at the port of entry

    Hello Guys / Gals, I recently got my passport stamped and now I have to visit Canada to get the landing documents (Actual PR). I have till first week of Nov to do so. I am a provincial nominee (Alberta). So - Do I have to land in Alberta? or Should Alberta be my final destination? How would be...
  2. S

    H1B - Alberta PNP File Number / Certificate Timeline

    Hello dudes & dudettes :), I have been plagued by a fundamental question for sometime. My AINP was taken care of by an attorney and I got a file number in April. I have posted my timeline on this board & somewhere in this thread. So the qn is, once I get the CIC PR should I find a job in...
  3. S

    H1B - Alberta PNP File Number / Certificate Timeline

    I think you are very close. I sent the application on Mar 2nd and file # was received on April 21st. I still see 2171 in the updated NOC list. Who says that computer engineers are not in the list anymore?
  4. S

    H1B - Alberta PNP File Number / Certificate Timeline

    ApplnRecd File# FileRecd Pre? NomRecd NomLtrDt User 03/02/2009 7xx 4/21/2009 Y scan22578 Yes I think I went through the pre-assessment process. I got an invitation to apply from Alberta. Now, I don't remember if I applied under 2171 or...
  5. S

    H1B - Alberta PNP File Number / Certificate Timeline

    Thank you nomad. My file # is XXXX-XX-1075. Who does the pre-assessment? I haven't been following the forum / AINP too much. So that question may sound basic! I got an invitation to apply from Alberta.
  6. S

    H1B - Alberta PNP File Number / Certificate Timeline

    Hello my fellow AINP hopefuls / already nominated people, I got an acknowledgement email from AINP on April 21st of '09 with file number. The email says that the decision will be made in 8 months! Are they taking more time now because of the number of applicants? I have some questions (I am...